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Dissertationen der Medizinischen Fakultät

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Browse by Advisor: Brenner, Prof. Dr. med. Hermann

Jump to: 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003
Number of items: 68.


Below, Janina (2024) Assoziation zwischen der Einnahme von Betablockern und Antidepressiva und dem Risiko eines kolorektalen Karzinoms.


Chen, Xuechen (2023) Interaction between established environmental risk factors and genetic predisposition in colorectal cancer risk.

Heisser, Thomas (2023) Novel strategies for optimized colorectal cancer screening : need and potential of gender-specific approaches.

Li, Hengjing (2023) Risk factors for early-onset colorectal cancer : population-based case-control study in Germany.

Li, Xiangwei (2023) Epigenome-wide association study of frailty.


Finke, Isabelle (2022) Regional variations in cancer outcome in Germany : assessing the impact of socioeconomic deprivation and cancer care.

Raut, Janhavi Raghav (2022) Risk stratification for colorectal cancer screening by epigenetic signatures.

Scherer-Trame, Sophie Frauke Lea (2022) Inpatient rehabilitation among colorectal cancer patients : utilization and association with health-related outcomes.

Teixeira Gomes Cardoso, Rafael António (2022) Colorectal cancer screening in European countries : comparative analysis of screening offers, utilization rates, and progress in cancer control.


Ali Khan, Uzair (2021) Colorectal cancer risk prediction and risk-adapted colorectal cancer screening in patients with diabetes mellitus.

Erben, Vanessa (2021) Metabolomics for risk assessment and early detection of colorectal neoplasms.

Stocker, Hannah (2021) Novel approaches to Alzheimer’s disease risk stratification through polygenic risk scores and amyloid beta misfolding in blood plasma.

Gruner, Laura Fiona (2021) The effects of different invitation schemes on the use of fecal immunochemical tests for colorectal cancer screening.

Guo, Feng (2021) Effects of colorectal cancer screening on colorectal cancer incidence and mortality in Germany.


Bhardwaj, Megha (2020) Blood-based protein markers for early detection of colorectal cancer.

Boakye, Daniel (2020) Associations of comorbidities and other indicators of poor health with treatment patterns and prognosis in colorectal cancer patients.

Chen, Chen (2020) Implementation of endoscopic colorectal cancer screening : current status and potential strategies for optimization.

Gies, Anton (2020) Evaluation of quantitative fecal immunochemical tests for detection of occult blood in stool for colorectal cancer screening.

Guan, Zhong (2020) Comparative and combined analyses of methylation, genetic and environmental risk scores for breast cancer risk prediction.

Möllers, Tobias (2020) Hospitalizations of patients with dementia : Epidemiologic analyses based on health claims data.

Peng, Le (2020) Risk scores for more effective and risk-adapted colorectal cancer screening.

Tian, Yu (2020) Cancer risk prediction and risk-adapted starting age of screening in family members of colorectal cancer patients.

Xu, Xing (2020) Familial risk and risk-adapted starting age of screening in relatives of patients with prostate cancer.

Yu, Haixin (2020) Epigenetic and genetic risk scores for lung cancer risk prediction.


Huang, Lei (2019) Investigation of treatment modalities and outcomes concerning pancreatic and gastric cancer patients in Europe and the US.

Khalkhali, Masoud Babaei (2019) Variation in treatment of colorectal cancer across European countries.

Maalmi, Haifa (2019) Role of vitamin D and retinol in the long-term prognosis of patients with colorectal cancer.

Qian, Jing (2019) Comparative and combined analyses of blood-based multi-omics biomarkers for colorectal cancer screening.

Weberpals, Janick (2019) Associations between -blocker exposure and cancer prognosis: the role of immortal time bias and analytical approaches in pharmacoepidemiological studies on cancer patient survival.

Weigl, Korbinian (2019) Use of family history and genetic risk scores for colorectal cancer risk stratification.


Gao, Xu (2018) Smoking-related DNA methylation markers: relationship with aging-related health outcomes.

Krilavičiūtė, Agnė (2018) Potential use of analysis of volatile organic compounds in exhaled breath for cancer screening.

Niedermaier, Tobias Gerhard (2018) Potential for optimizing fecal immunochemical test−based colorectal cancer screening strategies.

Perna, Laura (2018) Blood biomarkers of cognitive function and dementia.


Heiss, Jonathan Alexander (2017) Epigenome-wide search of biomarkers for early detection of colorectal cancer.

Walter, Viola (2017) Lifestyle factors and their association with overall, recurrence-free and colorectal cancer-specific survival in a population-based study of colorectal cancer patients in Germany.

Werner, Simone (2017) Autoantibodies against Tumor-Associated Antigens in the Early Detection of Gastric Cancer.


Chen, Hongda (2016) Antibodies against tumor-associated antigens in early detection of colorectal cancer.


Müezzinler, Aysel (2015) Association of age, BMI and smoking habits with leukocyte telomere length dynamics.

Saum, Kai-Uwe (2015) Epidemiology of frailty in old age.

Zhang, Yan (2015) Smoking-associated DNA methylation biomarkers and their predictive values for smoking-related health risks.


Holleczek, Bernd (2014) Long-term survival of female breast cancer patients in Germany - results from a population-based high resolution study from Saarland.


Gellert, Carolin (2013) Impact of smoking and smoking cessation on major cardiovascular events and total mortality at older age.

Mons, Ute (2012) Evaluation of the German smoke-free legislation – Findings from the prospective International Tobacco Control Policy Evaluation Project.


Luo, Xiaoya (2012) Evaluation of microRNAs for the detection of colorectal cancer.

Stock, Christian (2011) Colorectal endoscopy use in the general population: international variation, trends and public health implications.

Tao, Sha (2012) Evaluation of new early detection markers for gastrointestinal tumors - perspectives for detection of colorectal cancer based on immunological fecal occult blood tests and blood-based markers.

Zwink, Nadine (2012) Risk factors for congenital anorectal malformations.


Adamu, Mariam Abdullahi (2010) Helicobacter pylori infection: association with chronic atrophic gastritis, peptic ulcer disease and major cardiovascular events.

Grandi, Norma Christine (2011) Markers of Bone Metabolism as Prognostic Factors for Cardiovascular Disease.

Karmrodt, Elisabeth (2009) Prävalenz und Risikofaktoren kolorektaler Neoplasien nach einer früheren Darmspiegelung mit und ohne Polypenbefund.

Kolb, Andrea Janina (2011) Organspezifität neuer Stuhltests zur Früherkennung kolorektaler Karzinome.

Krämer, Heike U. (2011) Assessment of gender differences in health care of patients with type 2 diabetes.

Yin, Lu (2011) Vitamin D and the risk of selected neoplasms – Evidence from prospective cohort studies.


Cempulik, Marcin (2009) Übertragung der Infektion mit Helicobacter pylori zwischen Partnern? Eine epidemiologische Längsschnittstudie.

Redaniel, Maria Theresa (2009) Up-to-date estimates and predictors of cancer survival in a Philippine urban population, and comparisons with Asian-Americans and Caucasians from the United States.

Schmitz, Stephanie (2009) Epidemiologie kolorektaler Adenome.


Gao, Lei (2009) The Impact of Host Genetic Susceptibility and Helicobacter pylori Infection on the Development of Chronic Atrophic Gastritis and Gastric Cancer.

Hundt, Sabrina (2009) Assessment of new avenues of screening for colorectal cancer based on novel molecular blood and stool tests.


Müller, Heiko (2008) Evaluation of markers for the early detection of prostate cancer.

Weck, Melanie Nicole (2008) Prevalence, risk factors and consequences of chronic atrophic gastritis.


Hoffmeister, Michael (2007) Effects of drugs commonly prescribed to older adults on the risk of colorectal cancer: population-based case-control study from Germany.


Gondos, Adam (2006) Population based cancer survival in Africa: first results and methodological considerations to the calculation of age adjusted cancer survival estimates.

Haug, Ulrike (2006) Perspectives for colorectal cancer screening based on new molecular markers in stool.


Küpper-Nybelen, Jutta (2005) Einfluss des Alkoholkonsums auf die Besiedlung des Magens mit Helicobacter pylori.

Lietzau, Susanne (2005) Epidemiologie der Antibiotikaresistenzen im Kindesalter.


Miltner, Andrea (2004) Prognostische Bedeutung von EKG-Befunden in der Rehabilitation: Ergebnisse einer prospektiven Studie an Patienten mit koronarer Herzkrankheit.


Erb, Andrea (2003) Prävalenz von Antibiotikaresistenzen in Escherichia Coli Isolaten älterer Erwachsener: Die Rolle derzeitiger und früherer Antibiotikaeinnahme.