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Dissertationen der Medizinischen Fakultät

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Browse by Advisor: Chang-Claude, Prof. Dr. J.

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Number of items: 24.


Rudolph, Anja (2012) Mediation of sex steroid effects on colorectal cancer risk and survival: Influence of genetic variation and estrogen receptor beta expression.

Seibold, Petra Beate (2011) The Influence of Polymorphisms in Oxidative Stress-related Genes on Breast Cancer Risk and Prognosis after Radiotherapy.


Buck, Katharina (2011) Influence of phytoestrogens on prognosis of postmenopausal breast cancer.

Schulz, Anke (2011) Entropy based marker selection for haplotype sharing analyses in gene mapping of complex diseases.

Stephenson, Nadine (2010) Development of a hierarchical stochastic search algorithm for model selection in the analysis of genetic epidemiologic studies.

Zaineddin, Aida Karina (2011) The effect of phytoestrogens on postmenopausal breast cancer risk and possible anticarcinogenic mechanisms.


Steinbrecher, Astrid (2009) Dietary glucosinolate intake and selenium and risk of prostate cancer in EPIC-Heidelberg.


Funke, Silvia (2009) Genetic influence on the risk of colorectal cancer and the survival after chemo- and/or radiotherapy.

Hein, Rebecca (2008) Statistical methods for the investigation of gene-environment interactions in genetic epidemiological association studies.

Höft, Birgit (2009) The impact of genetic heterogeneity in fatty acid metabolizing genes in the etiology of colorectal cancer.


Abbas, Sascha (2008) Vitamin D and breast cancer risk - Association of dietary vitamin D, circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentration, and polymorphisms in vitamin D pathway genes with pre- and postmenopausal breast cancer risk.

Nimptsch, Katharina (2008) Dietary intake of vitamin K, serum undercarboxylated osteocalcin, genetic variation in the vitamin K epoxide reductase gene, and risk of prostate cancer.

Rothe, Vivien Andrea (2008) Mantel statistic using Haplotype sharing in population-based Association studies - properties and further development.

Storz, Sandra (2008) Die Beziehung zwischen dem Mammakarzinomrisiko und der Zufuhr ausgewählter Lebensmittel und Nährstoffe in der "European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition" (EPIC)-Heidelberg-Kohorte.

Terboven, Tom (2008) Alternative Auswertungsstrategien zur Validierung von Probandinnenangaben bezüglich einer postmenopausalen Hormonersatztherapie.


Lilla, Carmen (2006) Genetic polymorphisms in Phase II-metabolizing enzymes and susceptibility to colorectal cancer.


Rohrbacher, Maren Ursula (2005) Zusammenhang zwischen einem Insulin-like Growth Faktor Bindungsprotein-3 Promotor Polymorphismus und prämenopausalem Brustkrebs in einer deutschen Fall-Kontroll Studie.

Tan, Xiang-Lin (2005) Genetic Polymorphisms in DNA-Repair and Cell Cycle Control Genes as Biomarkers for the Development of Acute Side Effects of Radiotherapy in Breast Cancer Patients.

Tebit, Emaculate Verla (2005) Active and Passive Smoking and the Risk of Colorectal Cancer.


Beckmann, Lars (2004) New haplotype sharing and haplotype assignment methods for mapping genes of complex diseases.


Kropp, Silke (2002) The Association between Tobacco Exposure and Breast Cancer Risk considering potentially modifying Effects of specific Genotypes.


Busche-Bässler, Andrea (2001) Untersuchung verschiedener Einflußfaktoren anhand des Hormonrezeptorstatus beim prämenopausalem Mammakarzinom.

Spahn-Horn, Silke (2001) Einfluß der familiären Vorgeschichte auf das Ovarialkarzinomrisiko bei Frauen im Alter von 20 - 75 Jahren unter Berücksichtigung etablierter reproduktiver Faktoren.


Royar, Jacqueline (2000) Reproduktive, hormonelle und andere Einflüsse auf die Ätiologie von Ovarialmalignomen.