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Dissertationen der Medizinischen Fakultät

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Browse by Advisor: Draguhn, Prof. Dr Andreas

Jump to: 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006
Number of items: 45.


Semino, Francesca (2024) Clinical and electrophysiological characterisation of a new combined SCN5A and GPD1L variant in a family affected by Brugada Syndrome.


Both, Matthias (2023) First direct observation of action potential detection in neurons with a genetically encoded calcium indicator.

Grube, Paul Jona (2023) The effects of oxygen-glucose deprivation on hippocampal networks in mice.

Hammer, Maximilian (2023) Einfluss respiratorischer Parameter auf Netzwerkoszillationen im Parietalen Kortex.


Kaiser, Marie (2022) Freunde oder Futter? Messbarkeit der sozialen Präferenz von Ratten : Untersuchung von Einflussfaktoren auf das Entscheidungsverhalten in einem “Dual-Choice”-Paradigma.


Langemack, Kristina (2021) Gastrointestinal dysfunction in the MitoPark mouse model : implications for Parkinson’s disease.

Müller, Peter (2021) Persistent sodium current modulates ectopic axonal excitability asymmetrically in hippocampal pyramidal neurons.

Ponsel, Simon Gerd (2021) Pain specific oscillation patterns in neuronal networks in mice.

Diers, Julian Wilhelm Amadeus (2021) Vergleichende elektrophysiologische Analyse der Aktivitätsmuster Parvalbumin-positiver und -negativer Interneuronen der CA1 Region im Hippocampus der Maus in vitro.


Bringezu, Morina Thalia Larissa (2020) Memories for auditory and visual time patterns : probing unsupervised perceptual learning via psychophysics.

Hengel, Felicitas Eugenia (2020) Mechanics, molecular elasticity and functional modulation of recombinant mouse tip link protein protocadherin-15 of inner ear hair cells.

Ilg, Ann-Kathrin Barbara (2020) Welchen Beitrag kann die Chemogenetik in der neurowissenschaftlichen Verhaltensforschung leisten? Eine kritische Analyse am Beispiel der Untersuchung kognitiver Flexibilität unter Hemmung präfrontaler Projektionsneurone in Ratten.

Lyu, Su Ir (2020) Die Interaktion Dephosphorylierungs-imitierender Substitutionen im Kalium Chlorid Cotransporter 2 (KCC2) mit Furosemid und VU0463271.


Beyer, Katinka Marie (2019) Downstream effects of sharp wave-ripple oscillations on medial entorhinal cortex layer V neurons in vitro.

Jeßberger, Jakob (2019) A Respiration-Induced Neuronal Oscillation in the Olfactory Bulb, Thalamus and Neocortex during Sleep-Wake States of Mice.


Maier, Pia (2018) Effekte von Oxytocin auf hippocampale Netzwerkoszillationen.


Kaya, Veelken (2017) CA2 modulates network coherence in mouse hippocampal slices.

Hefter, Dimitri (2017) Neuroprotektive Funktion des Amyloid Precursor Proteins und seines extrazellulären Fragments APPsα.

Scheffzük, Claudia (2017) Crosstalk in the Brain Theta-coupled High Frequency Oscillations in the Neocortex of Mice.

Wogram, Emile (2017) Spontaneous electrical activity in microglial cells.

Zhong, Weiwei (2017) Respiration-related oscillations and theta rhythms in the mouse brain.


Frey, Sebastian Oliver Martin (2016) Identification and Functional Characterization of the Neuronal Piwi/PiRNA Complex in the Central Nervous System of Aplysia Californica.

Keller, Karl Martin (2016) Aktivitätsabhängige Plastizität hippocampaler neuronaler Ensembles in vitro.

Schwale, Chrysovalandis (2016) Auswirkungen eines KCC2-Knockdown auf die Entwicklung glyzinerger und GABAerger Synapsen in primären Rückenmarksneuronen der Ratte.

Schönberger, Jan (2016) Lamina-specific contribution of glutamatergic and GABAergic potentials to hippocampal sharp wave-ripple complexes.

Zhang, Weiping (2016) Anoctamin Calcium-activated Chloride Channels in the Mouse Brain.


Kleinknecht, Karl Rüdiger (2015) Testung kognitiver Flexibilität in Tiermodellen neuropsychiatrischer Erkrankungen.

Kranig, Simon Alexander (2015) Synaptic Plasticity and Neuronal Network Activity in Mouse Hippocampal Slices: Studies on the Role of Key Molecules.

Moldavski, Alexander (2015) Ambient glutamate as a tool to dissect synaptic and extrasynaptic NMDA receptor pools.


Akyol-Gürocak, Elif Ayse (2014) Assessment of Axonal and Neuronal Damage in a Model of Excitotoxicity.

Zylla, Maura Magdalena (2014) „State-Dependent Activity and Plasticity of Neuronal Assemblies in Oscillating Networks of the Hippocampus“.


Birke, Gunnar (2013) Die elektrophysiologische Signatur von CA1-Interneuronen während hochfrequenter Netzwerkoszillationen in vitro.

Wahlster, Lara (2012) “Characterization of conformational changes in the catalytic core of -Secretase: Implications for Alzheimer’s disease pathology and normal aging”.

Weiß, Elisa Katharina (2012) Generation and Modulation of Memory-Related Network Oscillations in the Mouse Hippocampus in vitro.


Golkowski, Daniel Johannes (2011) In Vivo recordings in a model for human absence epilepsy.

Herwerth, Marina (2011) Modulation of NR2B NMDA receptors and of long-term potentiation via D4 dopamine receptors in stratum oriens of hippocampal CA1.

Traschütz, Andreas (2012) Human Visual Speed Change Detection in Foveal and Peripheral Vision – Thresholds, Reaction Times, Apparent Speed, and Implications for Neurophysiological Experiments.

Witsch, Jens Julian (2011) In vivo voltage-sensitive dye imaging in a mouse model of a human genetic epilepsy.


Bähner, Florian (2009) Cellular correlates of assembly formation during memory-related network oscillations in the mouse hippocampus in vitro.


Künsting, Thomas (2008) Dynamische Eingangssignale in einem Computermodell des bulbus olfactorius.


Schuler, Elisabeth (2009) Development of a Computer Controlled System to Assess Learning and Memory in Zebrafish.

Voinova, Olga (2008) Developmental changes of release at neocortical excitatory synapses.


Grimm, Christiane (2008) Effekte von Amyloid-beta-Oligomeren auf intrinsische und synaptische Eigenschaften hippocampaler Neuronen.


Golovko, Tatiana (2007) Suppression of inhibition by a direct action of cannabinoids on ionotropic GABAa receptors.


Hartmann, Kristin (2006) Funktionelle Eigenschaften und Plastizität GABAerger Inhibition im Hippocampus.