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Browse by Subject: Epidemiologie

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Number of items at this level: 40.


Abderbwih, Eman (2024) The impact of school-based nutrition interventions on the nutrition knowledge of children and their parents.

Adamu, Mariam Abdullahi (2010) Helicobacter pylori infection: association with chronic atrophic gastritis, peptic ulcer disease and major cardiovascular events.


Bassanese, Giulia (2023) Demographics and current diagnostic practices of rare kidney diseases : insights from the European rare kidney disease registry.

Beiersmann, Claudia (2012) Malnutrition in young children of rural Burkina Faso.

Beyer, Anika (2024) Phthalatkonzentrationen im Urin und Mortalitätsrisiko in der Allgemeinbevölkerung : eine Längsschnittstudie.

Bischops, Anne Christine (2022) Cardiovascular disease in India – an analysis of the co-morbidity of cardiovascular risk factors and their clustering.

Brinkmann, Ben (2023) Aging in rural, resource-poor sub-Saharan Africa : non-communicable ill-health among older adults in north-western Burkina Faso.


Chen, Qi (2022) Risk factors for the healthcare-associated antibiotic resistance in China.


Dossus, Laure (2011) Endometrial Cancer - An Analysis of Hormonal and Inflammatory Risk Factors in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC).

Dun-Dery, Frederick (2022) Malaria control among pregnant women in Ghana : a mixed-methods study on the uptake of intermittent preventive treatment and insecticide treated mosquito nets.


Gigić, Biljana (2018) Health-related quality of life, dietary behavior and body composition among colorectal cancer patients.

God, Tobias Christoph (2023) Soziodemographische, verhaltensabhängige und reiseassoziierte Risikofaktoren für die Entwicklung eines Reizdarmsyndroms bei Reisenden nach Süd- und Südostasien - eine Kohortenstudie.


Haug, Ulrike (2006) Perspectives for colorectal cancer screening based on new molecular markers in stool.

Herrmann, Yannis (2023) Description of early coronavirus disease 2019 cases and analysis of association between disease severity and potential risk factors in the Rhein-Neckar region.

Huhn, Stefanie (2010) Ancestral Susceptibility to Colorectal Cancer.


Kyei, Nicholas N. A. (2024) Effect of maternal exposure to multiple mycotoxins on adverse pregnancy outcomes : a multi-method study in rural Bangladesh.


Liu, Weina (2022) A Cross-sectional study on prevalence and association between developmental impairment and BMI among preschool children aged 4-6 years in Rhine-Neckar County and the City of Heidelberg, Germany.

Loerbroks, Adrian (2008) Determinants of cognitive impairment in older adults.

Ludwig, Jan Ole (2023) Causal effect of children’s education on parental health : quasi-experimental evidence from Botswana.


Mahanani, Melani Ratih (2023) Spatio-temporal determinants of chronic diseases : effects of long-term determinants, cancer screening, and tertiary prevention.

Markeeva-Ilisevic, Evgenia Igorevna (2023) Inzidenz des nicht-melanozytären Hautkrebses bei Aussiedlern aus der ehemaligen Sowjetunion.

Mauer, Nicole Sibilla (2023) Continuity of hypertension care in four middle-income countries : exploring barriers and enablers to progression in the continuum of care.

Moazen, Babak (2021) Infectious diseases and control strategies in prisons in the European Union countries.




Paltiel, Ari M. (2023) Migration, risk of death, and time : mortality among immigrants from the former Soviet Union in Israel 1990-2004.


Rastogi, Ankit (2023) Alcohol consumption in India : a systematic review and modelling study for sub-national estimates of drinking patterns.

Redaniel, Maria Theresa (2009) Up-to-date estimates and predictors of cancer survival in a Philippine urban population, and comparisons with Asian-Americans and Caucasians from the United States.

Riera Guàrdia, Núria (2008) Association of serum adiponectin with diabetes, its relation to established risk factors, and the prognostic value for the manifestation of cardiovascular diseases - results of an epidemiologic study in elderly subjects.

Rudolph, Anja (2012) Mediation of sex steroid effects on colorectal cancer risk and survival: Influence of genetic variation and estrogen receptor beta expression.


Saam, Stefan (2006) Versorgungsbedarf und Versorgungsqualität von Patienten mit Typ-2-Diabetes in der hausärztlichen Versorgung.

Safary, Elvis (2022) Diagnosis and monitoring of Hypertension at community level and model of interaction between health facility and community volunteers in Central Malawi.

Schorgg, Paula Sophie (2024) Vitamin B6 Status : Ernährungsdeterminanten und Assoziationen mit dem Mortalitätsrisiko in der Allgemeinbevölkerung.

Schulz, Anke (2011) Entropy based marker selection for haplotype sharing analyses in gene mapping of complex diseases.

Starck, Tim (2024) The causal effect of malaria infections on anemia among children in sub-Saharan Africa in demographic and health survey data.

Stephenson, Nadine (2010) Development of a hierarchical stochastic search algorithm for model selection in the analysis of genetic epidemiologic studies.

Stocker, Hannah (2021) Novel approaches to Alzheimer’s disease risk stratification through polygenic risk scores and amyloid beta misfolding in blood plasma.


Teufel, Felix (2024) Determinanten kardiovaskulärer und metabolischer Risikofaktoren und Erkrankungen in Ländern mit niedrigem und mittlerem Einkommen.


Waid, Jillian L. (2022) Causes and consequences of dietary change in Bangladesh from 1985 to 2010.

Wiemker, Veronika (2024) Animated alcohol assessment: development and piloting of an animation-using mobile app to screen for hazardous and harmful alcohol consumption in Russian primary healthcare.


Zumkeller, Natalia (2006) Helicobacter pylori and the risk of colorectal carcinoma: case-control study under consideration of potential pathomechanisms.