eprintid: 1680 rev_number: 8 eprint_status: archive userid: 2 dir: disk0/00/00/16/80 datestamp: 2011-09-26 17:05:33 lastmod: 2013-11-06 10:28:15 status_changed: 2011-10-10 09:13:46 type: bookPart metadata_visibility: show creators_name: Kwaśniewski, Artur title: Wzorce siedziby szlacheckiej na ziemiach Królestwa Czeskiego w dobie renesansu – geneza, powinowactwo form i treści, oddziaływania title_en: Models of gentry residences in the Kingdom of Bohemia during the Renaissance – origins, similarities in form and content, influences ispublished: pub subjects: ddc-720 divisions: i-9 cterms_swd: Schlesien cterms_swd: Böhmen cterms_swd: Adel cterms_swd: Palast, Schloss, Architektur cterms_swd: Geschichte 1520-1650 abstract_translated_text: Instances of mutual architectural influence between feudal residences in Silesia and the Klodzko (Glatz) County on the one hand and Bohemia and Moravia on the other during the Renaissance (1520-1650) were – despite political ties – sporadic. The similarities that can be observed with regard to the shaping of buildings, projections, articulation etc. were a consequence of common Central European or pan-European ideological and architectural (castle, palace, manor), functional, spatial and formal concepts. These models were determined by the retrospective character of the culture of social elites who stressed the "chivalric" or "land owning" aspect of their social status – hence the frequent emphasis on and the creation of the castle-like character of mansions, medieval origins of residences (by the "additive building conglomerates", preservation of old turrets) and the massiveness of buildings (proportions, sparse articulation, rustication); the use of the "architectura militaris" forms (attic copings, moats, barbican and bastion-type fortifications to create numerous variants of the "palazzo in fortezza"). The lack of closer inter-regional influences was a result of the nature of contacts between Silesian-Klodzko and Bohemian-Moravian gentry: they were public (royal offices and posts) rather than private. Marriages and migrations were limited by the language barrier and difficulties in obtaining the Bohemian inkolat (confirmation of indigenous gentry or nobility status) by foreign gentry. Marriages took places usually between aristocratic families. It is exactly in residences of aristocratic families in Silesia and Klodzko that we can observe the rare Bohemian borrowings (the "palazzo in fortezza" in Proszkow (Proskau) from 1563 – modelled on Kacerova and Nelahozevsi castles; the lunette cornice in Sarny (Scharfeneck) after 1590 – modelled on the Scharzenbergs’ palace in Prague and other residences of Bohemian magnates; Ratschinhof in Gorzanow (Grafenort), 1573 – built by Italian masons brought from Bohemia. The borrowings flowed just in one direction – the transfer of Silesian models to Bohemian lands remains still an unproven hypothesis. abstract_translated_lang: eng date: 2007 date_type: published id_scheme: DOI id_number: 10.11588/artdok.00001680 collection: c-4 ppn_swb: 1651041350 own_urn: urn:nbn:de:bsz:16-artdok-16808 language: pol bibsort: KWASNIEWSKWZORCESIED2007 full_text_status: public place_of_pub: Breslau pagerange: 175-188 book_title: Śląsk i Czechy. Wspólne drogi sztuki. Materiały konferencji naukowej dedykowanej Profesorowi Janowi Wrabecowi editors_name: Kapustka, Mateusz editors_name: Kozieł, Andrzej editors_name: Oszczanowski, Piotr themen: T12 oa_type: green laender: LOs title_lat: Wzorce siedziby szlacheckiej na ziemiach Krolestwa Czeskiego w dobie renesansu - geneza, powinowactwo form i tresci, oddzialywania citation: Kwaśniewski, Artur (2007) Wzorce siedziby szlacheckiej na ziemiach Królestwa Czeskiego w dobie renesansu – geneza, powinowactwo form i treści, oddziaływania. In: Kapustka, Mateusz ; Kozieł, Andrzej ; Oszczanowski, Piotr (Hrsgg.): Śląsk i Czechy. Wspólne drogi sztuki. Materiały konferencji naukowej dedykowanej Profesorowi Janowi Wrabecowi. Breslau 2007, pp. 175-188 document_url: https://archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/artdok/1680/1/Kwasniewski_Wzorce_siedziby_szlacheckiej_2007.pdf