eprintid: 2097 rev_number: 10 eprint_status: archive userid: 2 dir: disk0/00/00/20/97 datestamp: 2012-11-26 11:29:22 lastmod: 2022-01-13 12:38:37 status_changed: 2013-01-10 13:42:01 type: book metadata_visibility: show creators_name: Danti, Ignazio title: On military encampments: Antonio Alberti's unknown treatise Della architettura militare chiamata volgarmente fortificazione in its synoptic redaction by Fra Egnazio Danti (FONTES 69) ispublished: pub subjects: ddc-720 divisions: i-9 keywords: Traktat / antiquarische Thematik , Archäologie ; Traktat / Militärarchitektur cterms_swd: Alberti, Antonio / Della architettura militare chiamata volgarmente fortificazione cterms_swd: Synopse cterms_swd: Danti, Ignazio / Le scienze matematiche abstract: FONTES 69 presents an unknown treatise on military architecture by the military architect and engineer Antonio Alberti of Urbino (active 1570-1585) "Della Architettura Militare chiamata volgarmente fortificazione", on military encampments. An extensive synoptic description of Alberti’s missing treatise in tabular form is here identified for the first time in Fra Egnazio Danti’s (1536-1586) "Le scienze matematiche ridotte in tavole" (Bologna 1577). This synoptic redaction is reproduced in a full text version. Antonio Alberti’s "new" treatise is considered in the context of similar works by earlier and near contemporary writers on military architecture: Sebastiano Serlio, Guillaume Du Choul, Gian Giorgio Trissino, Andrea Palladio, Pietro Cataneo, and Giovanni Franco, revealing the essentially practical and empirical nature of Alberti’s text. abstract_translated_text: FONTES 69 stellt eine unbekannte Abhandlung über die Militärarchitektur des Architekten und Ingenieurs Antonio Alberti von Urbino (fl. 1570-1585) "Della Architettura Militare chiamata volgarmente fortificazione" vor. Eine umfangreiche synoptische Beschreibung der verschollenen Original-Abhandlung Albertis in tabellarischer Form wird hier zum ersten Mal in den "Le scienze matematiche ridotte in tavole" (Bologna 1577) von Fra Egnazio Danti (1536-1586) belegt. Diese synoptische Ausgabe wird als Volltext wiedergegeben. Antonio Albertis "neue" Abhandlung wird im Rahmen von ähnlichen Werken von früheren und zeitgenössischen Autoren betrachtet: Sebastiano Serlio, Guillaume Du Choul, Gian Giorgio Trissino, Andrea Palladio, Pietro Cataneo und Giovanni Franco. Die im Wesentlichen praktische und empirische Natur von Albertis Text wird so verdeutlicht. abstract_translated_lang: ger date: 2012 date_type: published id_scheme: DOI id_number: 10.11588/artdok.00002097 portal_cluster_id: p-fontes portal_order: 69 schriftenreihe_cluster_id: sr-88 schriftenreihe_order: 69 ppn_swb: 1651907714 own_urn: urn:nbn:de:bsz:16-artdok-20970 language: mul bibsort: DANTIIGNAZONMILITARY2012 full_text_status: public editors_name: Davis, Margaret Daly title_lat: On military encampments: Antonio Alberti's unknown treatise Della architettura militare chiamata volgarmente fortificazione in its synoptic redaction by Fra Egnazio Danti (FONTES 69) themen: T12 themen: T11 laender: LIt oa_type: gold citation: Danti, Ignazio (2012) On military encampments: Antonio Alberti's unknown treatise Della architettura militare chiamata volgarmente fortificazione in its synoptic redaction by Fra Egnazio Danti (FONTES 69). document_url: https://archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/artdok/2097/1/Davis_Fontes69.pdf