eprintid: 2730 rev_number: 20 eprint_status: archive userid: 4 dir: disk0/00/00/27/30 datestamp: 2014-10-07 11:11:16 lastmod: 2015-01-30 11:38:49 status_changed: 2014-10-07 11:11:16 type: book metadata_visibility: show title: Józef Kremer (1806-1875) (Ars vetus et nova ; 25) subjects: ddc-700 subjects: ddc-720 subjects: ddc-730 divisions: i-9 cterms_swd: Kremer, Józef cterms_swd: Kulturphilosophie cterms_swd: Aufsatzsammlung note: Mit Zsfassungen in engl. u. ital. Sprache. - Druckausgabe: Maj, Jacek (Hrsg.): Józef Kremer (1806-1875), Kraków: Universitas 2007 (Ars vetus et nova ; 25) ISBN 978-83-242-0748-0 abstract_translated_text: Proceedings of from the international symposium organized on the occasion of the 200th birthday anniversary of Józef Kremer (2006) by the Jagiellonian University’s Art History Institute and the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences. This book brings together 24 articles on the life and work of Józef Kremer – an art historian, philosopher, aesthetician and psychologist – by scholars from Poland, Italy, Germany and Switzerland. Kremer was a proponent of Hegelianism (later also its critic), and also the author of the first systematic treatise on aesthetics in Polish ("Letters from Kraków", 1843, 3 vols, 1855–1856). His "Journey to Italy" (5 vols., 1859–1864) was not only a popular lecture series on the history of art, but also – as was the case of Jacob Burckhardt’s work – a history of the author’s "inner soul", rich in philosophical and literary allusions. Kremer’s most important achievement in psychology was the systematic division of psychic phenomenons into the conscious and the unconscious (before Freud) as well as the treatment of anthropology as a science which probes the mutual relations between these two. By considering the act as the best source of information about a person, Kremer anticipated the position of Wilhelm Dilthey. Contents: Wojciech Bałus, Introduction Józef Kremer, Autobiography Isabel Röskau-Rydel, The Kremer family Urszula Perkowska, Józef Kremer – a graduate and professor of the Jagiellonian University Jerzy Starnawski, Remarks on the rector’s speech of Józef Kremer in 1870 Zbigniew Sudolski, Józef Kremer in the light of his diaries and correspondence Julian Dybiec, Józef Kremer in Polish scholarly thought of the 19th and 20th centuries Stanisław Borzym, Józef Kremer and Henryk Struve Jan Woleński, Józef Kremer as a logician Edmund Kowalski, The notion of ethics according to Józef Kremer Bartłomiej Dobroczyński, Józef Kremer’s project of scientific psychology Marta Kudelska, The culture and art of India according to Józef Kremer Joachim Śliwa, Egypt and the Middle East according to Józef Kremer Maria Kalinowska, The image of Greece in the writings of Józef Kremer Joanna Ugniewska, Józef Kremer’s "Journey to Italy" Jan Zieliński, Józef Kremer in Trieste Luca Bernardini, Józef Kremer in Florence Krzysztof Żaboklicki, Józef Kremer in Naples Olga Płaszczewska, Literature and legend in Józef Kremer’s "Journey to Italy" Olaf Krysowski, Józef Kremer and the Polish Romantics Dariusz Pniewski, The relation of Józef Kremer and Cyprian Norwid. An outline of problem Magdalena Saganiak, The elements of irrationalism in the aesthetics of Józef Kremer Ryszard Kasperowicz, Jacob Burckhardt and Józef Kremer Piotr Szubert, The statue as a spiritual apparition: on views of Józef Kremer on sculpture Urszula Bęczkowska, Karol Kremer and Józef Kremer: the presence of the aesthetic concepts of the author of the 'Letters from Kraków' in the architectural and restoration work of the Krakow builders in the mid-19th century Małgorzata Woźna-Stankiewicz, Józef Kremer’s views on music in the context of 19th-century musical culture abstract_translated_lang: eng date: 2007 publisher: Universitas id_scheme: DOI id_number: 10.11588/artdok.00002730 official_url: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/maj2007 collection: c-4 ppn_swb: 415473306 own_urn: urn:nbn:de:bsz:16-artdok-27302 language: pol bibsort: MAJJACEKJOZEFKREME2007 full_text_status: none place_of_pub: Kraków editors_name: Maj, Jacek oa_type: green title_lat: Jozef Kremer (1806-1875) themen: T12 themen: T11 themen: T20 themen: T14 themen: T13 themen: T26 laender: LDe laender: LFr laender: LIt laender: LOs citation: Maj, Jacek, Hrsg. (2007) Józef Kremer (1806-1875) (Ars vetus et nova ; 25).