eprintid: 3577 rev_number: 23 eprint_status: archive userid: 4 dir: disk0/00/00/35/77 datestamp: 2015-08-20 08:49:49 lastmod: 2016-10-05 06:42:35 status_changed: 2015-08-20 08:49:49 type: book metadata_visibility: show creators_name: Lidov, Aleksej M. title: Иеротопия. Пространственные иконы и образы-парадигмы в византийской культуре. Ierotopija. Prostranstvennye ikony i obrazy-paradigmy v vizantijskoj kul’ture / Hierotopy. Spatial icons and image-paradigms in Byzantine culture title_en: Hierotopy. Spatial icons and image-paradigms in Byzantine culture subjects: ddc-700 subjects: ddc-720 subjects: ddc-750 divisions: i-9 cterms_swd: Byzantinisches Reich cterms_swd: Kunst cterms_swd: Ikone cterms_swd: Sakralbau cterms_swd: Symbolik cterms_swd: Hagia Sophia cterms_swd: Mariendarstellung cterms_swd: Hodegetria cterms_swd: Großer Kaiserpalast cterms_swd: Großer Kaiserpalast / Pharos-Kirche cterms_swd: Christusdarstellung cterms_swd: Mandylion cterms_swd: Himmlisches Jerusalem cterms_swd: Feuer cterms_swd: Wunder note: Text in kyrill. Schrift. Mit einer ausführlichen Zusammenfassung auf Englisch (S. 304-345). Druckausgabe: Lidov, Aleksej M.: Ierotopija. Prostranstvennye ikony i obrazy-paradigmy v vizantijskoj kul’ture, Moskva: Feorija 2009, ISBN 978-5-91796-001-2 abstract_translated_text: The present book deals with the creation of sacred spaces in Byzantium, Medieval Russia and the Eastern Christian world. It is based on ten studies of last seven years in which three new notions - Hierotopy, Spatial Icons and Image-Paradigms, renew the methodology of art history, have been suggested and discussed by the author. The three notions are interrelated but different. The term Hierotopy stands for the entire framework, intending to fix a special stratum of historical phenomena. The Hierotopy (or ierotopia), consisting of two Greek roots "hieros" (sacred) and "topos" (place, space, notion), means the making of sacred spaces regarded as a special form of creativity, and a field of historical research which reveals and analyses the particular examples of that creativity. The term "Spatial Icons", concerning the iconic imagery presented as spatial visions, was conceived to describe the most important part of hierotopic phenomena, existing beyond flat pictures or any combination of art objects. The Image-Paradigm is an instrumentum studiorum to analyze this specific category of images. abstract_translated_lang: eng date: 2009 publisher: Feorija id_scheme: DOI id_number: 10.11588/artdok.00003577 collection: c-4 collection: c-8 ppn_swb: 1657699072 own_urn: urn:nbn:de:bsz:16-artdok-35776 language: rus bibsort: LIDOVALEKSIEROTOPIJA2009 full_text_status: public place_of_pub: Moskva title_lat: Iierotopiia. Prostranstviennyie ikony i obrazy-paradighmy v vizantiiskoi kul'turie. Ierotopija. Prostranstvennye ikony i obrazy-paradigmy v vizantijskoj kul'ture themen: T12 themen: T25 themen: T14 laender: LAs laender: LFr laender: LIt laender: LNO laender: LOs laender: LSu oa_type: green citation: Lidov, Aleksej M. (2009) Иеротопия. Пространственные иконы и образы-парадигмы в византийской культуре. Ierotopija. Prostranstvennye ikony i obrazy-paradigmy v vizantijskoj kul’ture / Hierotopy. Spatial icons and image-paradigms in Byzantine culture. document_url: https://archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/artdok/3577/1/Lidov_Ierotopija_prostranstvennye_ikony_i_obrazy_paradigmy_v_vizantijskoj_kulture_2009.pdf