eprintid: 5221 rev_number: 16 eprint_status: archive userid: 13 dir: disk0/00/00/52/21 datestamp: 2017-05-31 06:21:30 lastmod: 2017-06-02 12:25:05 status_changed: 2017-05-31 06:21:30 type: bookPart metadata_visibility: show creators_name: Betlej, Andrzej title: Polish art collections in Brühl’s time. The case of the collection of Joseph Alexander Jabłonowski subjects: ddc-720 subjects: ddc-730 subjects: ddc-750 divisions: i-9 cterms_swd: Jabłonowski, Józef Aleksander cterms_swd: Sammlung cterms_swd: Mäzenatentum date: 2017 id_scheme: DOI id_number: 10.11588/artdok.00005221 collection: c-4 ppn_swb: 1659040213 own_urn: urn:nbn:de:bsz:16-artdok-52215 language: eng bibsort: BETLEJANDRPOLISHARTC2017 full_text_status: public place_of_pub: Dresden pagerange: 449-461 book_title: Heinrich Graf von Brühl (1700-1763). Ein sächsischer Mäzen in Europa. Akten der internationalen Tagung zum 250. Todesjahr editors_name: Koch, Ute Christina editors_name: Ruggero, Cristina oa_type: green title_lat: Polish art collections in Bruhl's time. The case of the collection of Joseph Alexander Jablonowski laender: LOs themen: T12 themen: T11 themen: T16 themen: T14 themen: T13 themen: T21 citation: Betlej, Andrzej (2017) Polish art collections in Brühl’s time. The case of the collection of Joseph Alexander Jabłonowski. In: Koch, Ute Christina ; Ruggero, Cristina (Hrsgg.): Heinrich Graf von Brühl (1700-1763). Ein sächsischer Mäzen in Europa. Akten der internationalen Tagung zum 250. Todesjahr. Dresden 2017, pp. 449-461 document_url: https://archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/artdok/5221/1/Betlej_Polish_art_collections_in_Bruehls_time_2017.pdf