title: Anonymus, Rezension von: Giovan Pietro Bellori, "Le Vite de’ pittori, scultori et architetti moderni, scritte da Gio: Pietro Bellori, Parte prima. All’IIllustriss. et Eccellentiss. Signore Gio: Battista Colbert Cavaliere Marchese di Seignelay [...] In Roma, Per il Success. al Mascardi, 1672" in: Giornale de’ letterati, 23. Giugno 1673 (FONTES 17) creator: Bellori, Giovanni Pietro subject: ddc-700 subject: Arts subject: Italy subject: Aesthetics, Art History subject: Painting subject: Sculpture subject: Bellori, Giovan Pietro subject: Carracci, Annibale subject: Rezension description: TEN CONTEMPORARY REVIEWS OF BOOKS ON ART AND ARCHAEOLOGY BY GIOVAN PIETRO BELLORI IN THE GIORNALE DE’ LETTERATI, 1670-1680, No. 4 In June 1673 Giovan Pietro Bellori’s ‘Vite de' pittori, scultori, et architetti moderni’ (Rome 1672) received a very extensive review in the ‘Giornale de’ letterati’. The anonymous reviewer places Bellori’s publication within the tradition of biographies of artists, and, at the same time, he emphasizes the great difference between Bellori’s approach to writing ‘vite’ and that of his predecessors, Vasari, Borghini, Baglione, and Ridolfi. The reviewer, like Bellori, devotes the most attention to Annibale Carracci and his restoration of painting, and he provides, following Bellori, shorter notices for the eight other painters, two sculptors, and the single architect treated in the ‘Vite’. Although the reviewer does not treat the artists in the same order as Bellori did, in general he follows Bellori very closely. He does not merely excerpt from Bellori’s ‘Vite’, but rather he summarizes and reformulates using the artistic vocabulary that Bellori had invented. For those interested in the arts, he extracted what was significant concerning the ‘fortuna’, study, and manner of each artist. The reviewer paid particular attention to Bellori’s treatment of Annibale Carracci’s paintings in the ‘Camerino’ and Gallery of Palazzo Farnese, and in the ‘Giornale de’ letterati of June 1678, the same author will review the ‘Galeriae Farnesiane Icones’ (See FONTES, Bellori 8). In both reviews the guiding hand of Bellori himself seems to be present. FONTES 17 includes a brief anthology of critical texts that comment on Bellori’s book. Bellori’s preface to the reader (“LETTORE”) is given as a searchable full text. There is also a bibliliography of literature about Bellori’s ‘Vite’, a biography of Bellori with bibliographic indications for the study of Bellori as an art historian, as well as lists of editions and translations of the ‘Vite’, and publications of artist’s lives not printed in Bellori’s lifetime. A number of internet sources for Bellori’s writings are given. contributor: Davis, Margaret Daly date: 2008 type: Book type: info:eu-repo/semantics/book type: NonPeerReviewed identifier: https://archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/artdok/610/ format: application/pdf identifier: https://archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/artdokhttps://archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/artdok/610/1/Daly_Davis_Fontes17.pdf identifier: urn:nbn:de:bsz:16-artdok-6103 rights: info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess language: mul