%0 Book %A Sabaeus, Faustus %D 2008 %E Maurach, Gregor %F artdok:644 %K Gedicht %R 10.11588/artdok.00000644 %T Auszüge aus Faustus Sabaeus: Epigrammatum Fausti Sabaei Brixiani Custodis Bibliothecae Vaticanae Libri Quinque (Rom 1556). Aus dem dritten Buch: Kunst, Künstler und Mäzene (FONTES 24) %U https://archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/artdok/644/ %X The poetry of Faustus Sabaeus not only demonstrates how Sabaeus brings works of art to life, but his poems also show how deep and exact the mythological and historical knowledge of the antique was in the sixteenth century.