%0 Book %A Bellori, Giovanni Pietro %D 2008 %E Davis, Margaret Daly %F artdok:645 %K Kunst- und Architekturkritik %R 10.11588/artdok.00000645 %T Anonymus, Rezension von "Galeriae Farnesianae Icones Romae in aedibus Sereniss. Ducis Parmensis ab Annibale Carracio ad Veterum aemuationem posterorumq. admirationem coloribus expressae cum ipsarum monocromatibus et ornamentis, a Petro Aquila delineatae incisae". Io: Iacobi de Rubeis cura, sumptibus ac typis excusae. Romae: ad Templum S. Mariae de Pace cum Privil. Summi Pontificis [1677]. in: 'Giornale de’ letterati', ed. Francesco Nazari, 1678, pp. 81-84 (FONTES 25) %U https://archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/artdok/645/ %X TEN CONTEMPORARY REVIEWS OF BOOKS ON ART AND ARCHAEOLOGY BY GIOVAN PIETRO BELLORI IN THE GIORNALE DE’ LETTERATI, 1670-1680, NO. 8 In 1675 an album of prints by Carlo Cesi after Annibale Carracci’s paintings in the Farnese Gallery (1597-1603)was published in Rome by François Collignon. The images were accompanied by explanations written by Giovan Pietro Bellori. These texts were derived from Bellori’s as yet unpublished manuscript life of Annibale which Bellori made accessible to Collignon. The reviewer discusses Bellori’s interpretations of the images in the Farnese Gallery. In 1678, another album of prints by Pietro Aquila after Annibale’s work in the Gallery was published in Rome. In the ‘Giornale de’ letterati’ of 1678, the reviewer discusses both albums. In Cesi’s album, Annibale’s paintings were shown as separate images. In Aquila’s, in contrast, the paintings are represented within the architectural framework of the ceiling decoration and thus a complete view of the ensemble is provided. The reviewer writes that Annibale’s work in the Gallery was celebrated as the true school of painting, not in its single parts alone, but in the correspondence of these parts to the whole. Thus for painters commissioned to plan and execute similar painted decorations, the prints of Aquila provided both an example and concrete patterns. The anonymous reviewer of the Galeriae Farnesianae Icones was the same reviewer as that of Bellori’s Vite published in 1672 (Fontes 17, Bellori, 4). It is probable that Bellori played a substantial rôle in the elaboration of both reviews in the ‘Giornale de’ letterati’.