%0 Journal Article %A Rudolph, Sabine %C Heidelberg %D 2021 %F artdok:7293 %R 10.11588/artdok.00007293 %T The expropriation of the Gustav von Klemperer porcelain collection %U https://archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/artdok/7293/ %X Where there is a will, there is a way. This proverb can also be used to characterize the seizure of Gustav von Klemperer's porcelain collection. In 1938, Reich Governor Mutschmann expressed the will that the collection become the property of the Saxon state and instructed his authorities to take the necessary measures for this. Since the pretense of legality was to be maintained, the way was long and the goal could only be reached at the beginning of 1943, after the „legal basis” for the final and complete plundering of the emigrated and deported Jews had been created in November 1941 with the Eleventh Decree to the Reich Citizenship Law. %Z Zugang zum deutschsprachigen Text siehe Link "Verwandte URLs".