eprintid: 7968 rev_number: 30 eprint_status: archive userid: 4 dir: disk0/00/00/79/68 datestamp: 2022-09-21 14:48:36 lastmod: 2022-09-27 14:29:07 status_changed: 2022-09-21 14:48:36 type: PeriodicalPart metadata_visibility: show creators_name: Sauer, Martina creators_name: Wagner, Christiane creators_name: Lombardi, Giada creators_name: Di Cesare, Giuseppe creators_name: Sonesson, Göran creators_name: Igl, Natalia creators_name: Thompson, J. Philippe creators_name: Huber, Hans Dieter creators_name: Lensing, Jörg U. title: Multimodality: the sensually organized potential of artistic works (Art style : art & culture international magazine, 10 (2022), Nr. 10 (September)) subjects: ddc-700 divisions: i-9 keywords: Wahrnehmungstheorie, Künste, Philosophie, Kunstgeschichte, Literaturwissenschaft, Medienwissenschaft, Semiotik, Neurowissenschaft cterms_swd: Wahrnehmung cterms_swd: Künste cterms_swd: Philosophie cterms_swd: Literaturwissenschaft cterms_swd: Medienwissenschaft cterms_swd: Semiotik cterms_swd: Neurowissenschaften abstract: With a Call for Essays, the special issue Multimodality sought contributions that accept not only the material but also the body-bound dependence of media perception and understanding. To this end, contributions were included that shed light on both the structural and signifying potential of artistic works through multimodal analysis. Particular attention was paid to contributions that clarify how the structural features - the modes - of the arts, their perception, and their signifying potential in terms of content are interrelated and how they are to be understood in communicative and thus socioculturally relevant terms. Thus, in addition to neuroscientific contributions, those from cultural anthropology, art history, image and art studies, and literary studies were included. abstract_translated_lang: eng date: 2022 id_scheme: DOI id_number: 10.11588/artdok.00007968 ppn_swb: 1817611828 own_urn: urn:nbn:de:bsz:16-artdok-79683 language: eng bibsort: SAUERMARTIMULTIMODAL2022 full_text_status: public editors_name: Sauer, Martina editors_name: Wagner, Christiane themen: T20 oa_type: green laender: LDe citation: Sauer, Martina ; Wagner, Christiane ; Lombardi, Giada ; Di Cesare, Giuseppe ; Sonesson, Göran ; Igl, Natalia ; Thompson, J. Philippe ; Huber, Hans Dieter ; Lensing, Jörg U. (2022) Multimodality: the sensually organized potential of artistic works (Art style : art & culture international magazine, 10 (2022), Nr. 10 (September)). document_url: https://archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/artdok/7968/1/Sauer_Hrsg_Multimodality_Sonderheft_Art_style_2022.pdf