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Three new Cycladicizing figurines from Koumasa. Typological dilemmas and phenomenological challenges

Panagiotopoulos, Diamantis

In: Stampolidis, Nikolaos Chr. ; Sotirakopoulou, Peggy (Hrsgg.): Κυκλαδικά στην Κρήτη. Kυκλαδικά και κυκλαδίζοντα ειδώλια μέσα στην ανασκαφική τους συνάφεια / Cycladica in Crete. Cycladic and Cycladicizing Figurines within their Archaeological Context. Athen ; Rethymno 2017, pp. 275-290

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Document type: Book Section
Version: Secondary publication
Date Deposited: 20 Sep 2022 12:41
Faculties / Institutes: Research Project, Working Group > Individuals
DDC-classification: Plastic arts Sculpture
Alte Geschichte, Vor- und Frühgeschichte, Archäologie
Griechenland (Altertum)
Subject (Propylaeum): Classical Archaeology
Controlled Keywords: Minoische Kultur, Kykladenkultur, Statuette, Typologie, Phänomenologie
Subject (classification): History of the ancient world to ca. 499
Copper- and Bronze Age
Sculpture, ceramics & metalwork
Countries/Regions: Greece (Antiquity)
Paper series:
Additional Information: Erschienen in: Nikolaos Chr. Stampolidēs, Panagiōta I. Sōtērakopulu (Hrsg.), Kykladika stēn Krētē. Kykladika kai kykladizonta eidōlia mesa stēn anaskaphikē tus synapheia : praktika diethnus synedriu, Museio Kykladikēs Technēs, Athēna, 1-2 Oktōbriu 2015 / Cycladica in Crete. Cycladic and Cycladicizing Figurines within their Archaeological Context. Proceedings of the International Symposium, Museum of Cycladic Art, Athens, 1-2 October 2015