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The management of royal treasure. Palace archives and palatial economy in the ancient Near East

Sallaberger, Walther

In: Hill, Jane ; Jones, Philip ; Morales, Antonio J. (Hrsgg.): Experiencing power, generating authority. Cosmos, politics, and the ideology of kingship in ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. Philadelphia, PA 2013, pp. 219-255

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Download (16MB) | Lizenz: Creative Commons LizenzvertragThe management of royal treasure. Palace archives and palatial economy in the ancient Near East by Sallaberger, Walther underlies the terms of Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike 4.0
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Document type: Book Section
Version: Secondary publication
Date Deposited: 25 Jun 2024 07:46
Faculties / Institutes: Research Project, Working Group > Individuals
DDC-classification: Mesopotamien, Persien
Subject (Propylaeum): Ancient Near Eastern Studies
Controlled Keywords: Naher Osten, Wirtschaft, Palast, Archiv
Subject (classification): History of the ancient world to ca. 499
Countries/Regions: Mesopotamia, Persia
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