%0 Journal Article %A Peust, Carsten %D 2012 %F propylaeumdok:2409 %J Göttinger Miszellen %P 75-84 %R 10.11588/propylaeumdok.00002409 %T Survey ägyptologischer Dialekte, (4) Ägypten %U https://archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/propylaeumdok/2409/ %V 235 %X A concise account of the phonetics and phonology of egyptologists' scholarly pronunciation of transliterated Ancient Egyptian as practised in modern Egypt. This is a continuation of my former studies of the dialects of Berlin, Mainz and Vienna. Some key features of the Egyptian dialect are: consistent distinction of all four //-signs; consonantic realization of c; t spoken as [ä]; use of [i] (in isolated cases [a] or [u]) as the inserted vowel; final stress in items such as hrw "day"; -j of weak verbs not normally pronounced.