eprintid: 4425 rev_number: 18 eprint_status: archive userid: 13 dir: disk0/00/00/44/25 datestamp: 2019-06-18 08:08:46 lastmod: 2023-02-03 14:35:33 status_changed: 2019-06-18 08:08:46 type: article metadata_visibility: show creators_name: Zikakis, Konstantinos title: Escaping the peak: peak sanctuary rituals, or rituals on a peak sanctuary? An introduction to the problem: peak sanctuaries and their distribution subjects: ddc-930 subjects: ddc-938 divisions: i-209 cterms_swd: Kreta cterms_swd: Heiligtum cterms_swd: Gipfel cterms_swd: Minoische Religion cterms_swd: Bronzezeit date: 2019-06-18 ubhd_kollation: 10 id_scheme: DOI id_number: 10.11588/propylaeumdok.00004425 collection: c-14 ppn_swb: 1667646435 own_urn: urn:nbn:de:bsz:16-propylaeumdok-44258 language: eng vgwort_code: 11081f65e0b84c08ad59691b96838da6 bibsort: ZIKAKISKONESCAPINGTH20190618 full_text_status: public pagerange: 1-9 oa_type: gold faecher: FKA laender: R938 themen: T930 citation: Zikakis, Konstantinos (2019) Escaping the peak: peak sanctuary rituals, or rituals on a peak sanctuary? An introduction to the problem: peak sanctuaries and their distribution. document_url: https://archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/propylaeumdok/4425/1/Zikakis_Escaping%20the%20peak_2019.pdf