eprintid: 542 rev_number: 3 eprint_status: archive userid: 2 dir: disk0/00/00/05/42 datestamp: 2010-04-14 11:33:14 lastmod: 2023-02-03 14:30:09 status_changed: 2010-04-14 11:33:14 type: bookPart metadata_visibility: show creators_name: Brasse, Christiane creators_name: Heine, Katja creators_name: Zhao, Dexu creators_name: Wulf, Ulrike title: A 3D solution for a web-based building information system ispublished: pub subjects: ddc-720 divisions: i-209 cterms_swd: Archäologie cterms_swd: Informatik cterms_swd: Computerunterstütztes Verfahren cterms_swd: Computervisualistik cterms_swd: Interdisziplinäre Forschung cterms_swd: Architektur cterms_swd: Informationssystem abstract: This paper presents an information system for the documentation of research results in building archaeology as applied to the example of “Domus Severiana” palace on the Palatine Hill in Rome. In connection with the development of CISAR – a modular open-source web-based information system for archaeological field work and building archaeology – a special solution with the focus on 3D building documentation was created. There are many commercial and non-commercial software products for 2D web-based information systems, whereas few solutions for 3D GIS are available. Therefore, an independent product was developed based mainly on open source components. The use of open source technology allows for the optimal adaptation to user requirements and a standardised data exchange. The information system is an effective working tool that facilitates the documentation of building characteristics and related data analysis; users do not need to have special knowledge of computer science or graphics. abstract_translated_lang: eng date: 2008 date_type: published ubhd_kollation: 241 (Abstract) id_scheme: DOI id_number: 10.11588/propylaeumdok.00000542 portal_cluster_id: p-caa2007 portal_order: 0073 ppn_swb: 1400489830 own_urn: urn:nbn:de:bsz:16-propylaeumdok-5426 language: eng bibsort: BRASSECHRIA3DSOLUTIO2008 full_text_status: public place_of_pub: Bonn book_title: Layers of Perception. Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA), Berlin, 2.-6. April, 2007 (Koll. Vor- u. Frühgesch. 10) editors_name: Posluschny, A. editors_name: Lambers, K. editors_name: Herzog, I. themen: T720 faecher: FKA oa_type: green citation: Brasse, Christiane ; Heine, Katja ; Zhao, Dexu ; Wulf, Ulrike (2008) A 3D solution for a web-based building information system. In: Posluschny, A. ; Lambers, K. ; Herzog, I. (Hrsgg.): Layers of Perception. Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA), Berlin, 2.-6. April, 2007 (Koll. Vor- u. Frühgesch. 10). Bonn 2008 241 (Abstract) document_url: https://archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/propylaeumdok/542/1/07_04_brasse_et_al_3dsolution.pdf