%0 Journal Article %A Doll, Evelyn %A Gittler, Georg %A Holzinger, Brigitte %D 2009 %F heidok:10063 %J International Journal of Dream Research %K dreaming; lucid dreaming; mental health; spatial abilities %N 2 %P 52-57 %T Dreaming, Lucid Dreaming and Personality %U https://archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/volltextserver/10063/ %V 2 %X The term "lucid dream" describes a dream during which the dreamer is aware of being in a dream while the dream is ongoing. Our investigation focused on the frequency of the lucid dream experience and its relationship to mental health, behavioural control (TPF; Becker, 1989), decision behaviour (EQS; Wolfram, 1982), and spatial abilities (3DW; Gittler, 1990). Data analysis of 89 subjects suggested that frequent lucid dreamers (n=27) differ from rare (n=33) and non-lucid dreamers (n=29) by higher scores in the scales of mental health, freedom from complaints, expansivity, autonomy and self-esteem. With regard to behavioural control, decision behaviour and spatial abilities, there were no significant differences between the three lucidity groups.