%0 Generic %A Uribe Uribe, Ana LucĂ­a %D 2012 %F heidok:13127 %K Planets , migration , numerical simulations , protoplanetary disks %R 10.11588/heidok.00013127 %T The migration of planets in protoplanetary disks %U https://archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/volltextserver/13127/ %X This thesis presents a numerical study on the interaction between planets and circumstellar disks. We use the hydrodynamics/magnetohydrodynamics code PLUTO(Mignone et al, 2007) to simulate the circustellar accretion disk. A module to include embedded planets was incorporated into the code. We study two critical aspects for planet formation theory: the migration of planets due to gravitational disk torques and the accretion of gas onto planets from the surrounding disk. These two aspects are critical in any planet formation model as they will determine the final mass and the orbital separation. We first investigate aspects for massive planets in the evolutionary phase when a gap has been cleared in the disk. It is found that when a gap has been opened, the migration and gas accretion rate is linearly dependent on the surface density inside the gap. The torques exerted on the planet depend strongly on the material inside the Hill sphere when the local disk mass exceeds the planet mass. The depletion of the Hill sphere due to an accreting planet can increase migration timescales up to an order of magnitude of the linear estimate. Secondly, we investigate migration and gas accretion in turbulent disks, where turbulence is generated by the magnetorotational instability (MRI). In weakly magnetized turbulent disks, low-mass planet migration is dominated by stochastic density perturbations that can be characterized with a given amplitude and correlation time. More massive planets can undergo slower or reversed migration due to unsaturation of the corotation torque by turbulent advection and diffusion of gas into the horseshoe region. Magnetic turbulence is greatly supressed by giant planets that open a gap in the disk. Additionally, Jupiter-mass planets in turbulent disks are found to accrete less than expected from the global-averaged interal stresses in the disk. Our results can be directly implemented in planet population synthesis studies in order to better understand the nature of the observed population of extrasolar planets.