%0 Journal Article %A Barcaro, Umberto %A DeCicco, Teresa L. %A Salvetti, Ovidio %D 2012 %F heidok:14148 %J International Journal of Dream Research %K psychophysiological model, TSM, dreaming %N 2 %P 114-118 %T A cognitive model explaining the psychophysiological system responsible for the effectiveness of The Storytelling Method of Dream Interpretation %U https://archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/volltextserver/14148/ %V 5 %X The Storytelling Method of dream interpretation has been found to be valid and reliable while yielding a meaningful interpretation for dreamers more than 80% of the time.  A cognitive model explaining the psychophysiological system responsible for the effectiveness of the method is proposed.  The model describes a dream in terms of an input–output relationship where the dream-builder system is viewed as a system whose input is given by the dream sources and whose output is given by the dream experience.  The model proposes a cascade of two sub-systems that can account for basic properties of dreams such as the continuity hypothesis, the role of dreams in turning-points of a dreamer’s life, the problem-solving capacity of dreams, while accounting for the effectiveness of The Storytelling Method.  An application of the model with the method is also demonstrated with an example.