eprintid: 15187 rev_number: 18 eprint_status: archive userid: 677 dir: disk0/00/01/51/87 datestamp: 2013-07-10 08:05:32 lastmod: 2013-07-22 08:18:08 status_changed: 2013-07-10 08:05:32 type: doctoralThesis metadata_visibility: show creators_name: Beilmann, Markus title: Thermodynamic investigation of fluoride salts for nuclear energy production title_de: Thermodynamische Untersuchung von Fluorid-Salzen zur Kernenergieerzeugung subjects: ddc-500 subjects: ddc-540 divisions: i-120300 adv_faculty: af-12 cterms_swd: Radiochemie cterms_swd: Thermodynamik cterms_swd: Phasendiagramm cterms_swd: Fluoride abstract: In this work thermodynamic properties of molten fluoride salts and salt mixtures are investigated. Fluoride salts have advantageous properties to be used in energy producing systems based on the conversion from heat to energy like i.e in Molten Salt Reactors. For this purpose it is very important to have detailed information about the heat capacity of the pure salts and salt mixtures. To get a better understanding about the heat capacity in mixtures drop calorimetry measurements of mixtures of LiF with other alkali fluorides were conducted and compared. The investigation of fluoride salts at elevated temperatures is complicated by the fact that fluoride vapour is aggressive to many materials. In order to protect our sensitive measurement equipment the salt samples were encapsulated in nickel crucibles using a laser welding technique and afterwards the whole nickel capsule was measured. This method was veried by the measurement of unmixed CsF and KF where in both examples an excellent agreement with literature data was obtained. Afterwards various intermediate compositions of the systems LiF-KF, LiF-CsF and LiF-RbF were investigated and a general trend according to the difference in cation radii could be established. In combination with literature data for the LiF-NaF system the heat capacity of the liquid state follows the order LiF-NaF