eprintid: 16198 rev_number: 16 eprint_status: archive userid: 1017 dir: disk0/00/01/61/98 datestamp: 2014-02-05 08:28:10 lastmod: 2014-02-14 10:39:55 status_changed: 2014-02-05 08:28:10 type: doctoralThesis metadata_visibility: show creators_name: Kraus, Kim Melanie title: Dose Delivery Study for a Novel Compact Proton Accelerator subjects: ddc-530 subjects: ddc-600 divisions: i-130001 divisions: i-850300 adv_faculty: af-13 abstract: Proton therapy has played an important role in the treatment of cancer with radiation therapy for more than 60 years. Active spot scanning to deliver highly conformal dose to the tumor has been developed. However, the availability of proton therapy to the patients is still limited, partly, due to the high costs and sizes of large proton therapy centers. Therefore, a novel compact proton single room facility based on a linear accelerator mounted on a gantry has been proposed, named TULIP (TUrning LInac for Proton therapy). This accelerator allows for active energy variation on a milliseconds time scale. This work aims to assess the possibilities of dose delivery with TULIP to exploit its beneficial features with respect to dose delivery. We developed a software tool, simulating the dose delivery to the tumor. By means of this software tool, we assessed different delivery methods and found 3D spot scanning to be superior to rotational dose delivery with regard to dose and irradiation time. In a second part, we expanded the investigations to dose delivery to moving targets. Due to fast energy variation, we found TULIP to be preferably suitable for rescanning, confirmed by irradiation times of only a few minutes. date: 2014 id_scheme: DOI id_number: 10.11588/heidok.00016198 ppn_swb: 1653237740 own_urn: urn:nbn:de:bsz:16-heidok-161983 date_accepted: 2014-01-15 advisor: HASH(0x55fc36ce3730) language: eng bibsort: KRAUSKIMMEDOSEDELIVE2014 full_text_status: public place_of_pub: Heidelberg citation: Kraus, Kim Melanie (2014) Dose Delivery Study for a Novel Compact Proton Accelerator. [Dissertation] document_url: https://archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/volltextserver/16198/1/Dissertation.pdf