%0 Generic %A Shi, Yan %D 2015 %F heidok:18941 %R 10.11588/heidok.00018941 %T Regulation of Adult Neural Stem Cell Activation by Orphan Nuclear Receptor TLX (NR2E1) and Notch Signaling %U https://archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/volltextserver/18941/ %X The adult mammalian brain contains neural stem cells (NSCs) that continue to generate neurons throughout adulthood, a process referred to as neurogenesis. Adult NSCs are relatively quiescent and undergo cell division only when they are activated to reenter the cell cycle. Two types of quiescent NSCs have been previously identified, which can be distinguished on the basis of differential expression of Prominin-1 (Pro). Upon activation and asymmetrical division, a NSC self-renews and gives rise to a transit-amplifying precursor (TAP), which will rapidly divide while differentiating into neuroblasts. Our group has developed an approach based on fluorescence activated cell sorting (FACS) to purify quiescent NSCs (qNSCs), activated NSCs (aNSCs) and TAPs. We have previously shown that in adult NSCs the orphan nuclear receptor Tailless (Tlx, NR2E1) is essential for promoting cell cycle entry and the transition from qNSCs to aNSCs. Therefore, mice lacking Tlx expression (Tlx-/-) represent a nice model system to investigate the mechanisms underlying NSC activation. To further understand the molecular mechanisms underlying the effect of TLX on NSC activation I have compared gene expression in NSCs isolated from wild type (WT) and Tlx-/- mice. This analysis revealed an upregulation of Hes1 expression and a significant change in the expression of several genes associated to the Notch pathway in both Pro+ and Pro- mutant qNSCs. Moreover, in the absence of TLX, the nuclear localization of the Notch intracellular domain (NICD) was increased in Pro- qNSCs, suggesting hyper activation of the canonical Notch pathway, which may prevent cell cycle entry. To provide support for this hypothesis, I have investigated the effect of pharmacological inhibition of Notch signaling on NSC activation. These experiments revealed that indeed blockade of Notch signaling increased proliferation of both WT and Tlx-/- precursors. They also showed that inhibition of Notch signaling leads to the generation of Pro+ qNSCs from the Procell pool, suggesting a lineage relationship between the two groups of qNSCs. Since TLX is a transcriptional repressor, it may modulate Notch signaling by repressing the expression of Hes1. To further investigate this hypothesis I have taken advantage of luciferase and chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assays and I was able to show that TLX represses Hes1 expression and that this effect requires the presence of the RBPJ binding site. Taken together, my results have uncovered a previously unknown function of TLX in the regulation of Hes1 expression, which affects the activation of the canonical Notch pathway in NSCs and also the progression from Pro- to Pro+ qNSCs.