eprintid: 19644 rev_number: 11 eprint_status: archive userid: 2114 dir: disk0/00/01/96/44 datestamp: 2015-10-28 08:46:10 lastmod: 2015-10-28 11:58:36 status_changed: 2015-10-28 08:46:10 type: doctoralThesis metadata_visibility: show creators_name: Cörlin, Philipp title: Tracing ultra-fast molecular dynamics in O_2^+ and N_2^+ with XUV–IR pump–probe experiments subjects: ddc-530 divisions: i-851340 adv_faculty: af-13 abstract: Within this thesis, molecular dynamics of diatomic molecules is studied using the XUV–IR pump–probe technique. Here, a single extreme ultraviolet (XUV) photon created by high-harmonic generation ionizes the diatomic target molecule. The initiated dynamics is probed after a variable time delay by an ultrashort (12 fs) infrared (IR) laser pulse. The 3-dimensional momenta of all charged fragments are measured using a reaction microscope. In an experiment on O_2, a nuclear wave-packet oscillation is observed on the binding potential-energy curve (PEC) of the O_2^+(a ^4Π_u) electronic state. By comparing simulated results with experimental data, theoretically predicted PECs are tested. The experimental results are best reproduced if the wave packet is propagated on a Morse potential adjusted to the experimental data. This demonstrates the sensitivity of our method and its ability to predict accurate PECs from the measured wave-packet evolution. In an N2 experiment, the pump–probe delay dependent yield of stable N_2^+ is observed. It is interpreted as a sequential double ionization via a highly excited antibonding cationic state. The dissociation of the intermediate state is temporally resolved and can be interrupted by multi-photon ionization with the IR pulse within ≈ 15 fs after XUV ionization. date: 2015 id_scheme: DOI id_number: 10.11588/heidok.00019644 ppn_swb: 1658744624 own_urn: urn:nbn:de:bsz:16-heidok-196449 date_accepted: 2015-10-14 advisor: HASH(0x55d997c50990) language: eng bibsort: CORLINPHILTRACINGULT2015 full_text_status: public citation: Cörlin, Philipp (2015) Tracing ultra-fast molecular dynamics in O_2^+ and N_2^+ with XUV–IR pump–probe experiments. [Dissertation] document_url: https://archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/volltextserver/19644/1/PHD_thesis_philipp_coerlin_submitted.pdf