%0 Journal Article %@ 1474-0591 %A Jung, Dinah %C Cambridge; New York %D 2013 %F heidok:20194 %I Cambridge University Press %J Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society %K cultural history, history, perfumery, incense, agarwood, Asia, Islam, buddhism, anthropology, kodo, woodcarving, fragrance %N 01 %P 103-125 %T The Cultural Biography of Agarwood %U https://archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/volltextserver/20194/ %V 23 %X The intangible heritage of making fine use of agarwood is a story of exceptional refinement, concerning arts and (syn-) aesthetic sensitivity, as well as a story of valuing and employing nature, commercialisation, and of the search for identity within the multicultural entanglements of Asia. Its continuation presents a challenge in business, scientific and cultural regards. CONTENTS: I. Portrayal of the aromatic material – II. Early perfumery arts and exotic stimuli – III. Supraregional contacts, literati societies, and a refined perfumery – IV. Ritualised forms of incense appreciation – V. Reinvention of Asian perfumery arts and new identities.