%0 Journal Article %@ 0304-4149 %A Dahlhaus, Rainer %A Neumann, Michael H. %C Amsterdam %D 2001 %F heidok:20767 %I Elsevier %J Stochastic Processes & Their Applications %K Locally stationary processes; Nonlinear thresholding; Nonparametric curve estimation; Preperiodogram; Time series; Wavelet estimators %P 277-308 %R 10.11588/heidok.00020767 %T Locally Adaptive Fitting of Semiparametric Models to Nonstationary Time Series %U https://archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/volltextserver/20767/ %V 91 %X We fit a class of semiparametric models to a nonstationary process. This class is parametrized by a mean function µ( · ) and a p-dimensional function theta ( · ) = (theta(1)( · ) , ..., theta(p) ( · ))´ that parametrizes the time-varying spectral density ftheta( · ) (lambda). Whereas the mean function is estimated by a usual kernel estimator, each component of theta ( · ) is estimated by a nonlinear wavelet method. According to a truncated wavelet series expansion of theta(i) ( · ), we define empirical versions of the corresponding wavelet coefficients by minimizing an empirical version of the Kullback-Leibler distance. In the main smoothing step, we perform nonlinear thresholding on these coefficients, which finally provides a locally adaptive estimator of theta(i) ( · ). This method is fully automatic and adapts to different smoothness classes. It is shown that usual rates of convergence in Besov smoothness classes are attained up to a logarithmic factor.