%0 Generic %A Dümbgen, Lutz %C Heidelberg %D 1997 %F heidok:20935 %K Differentiability; dimensional asymptotics; elliptical symmetry; M-functional; scatter matrix; symmetrization %R 10.11588/heidok.00020935 %T The Asymptotic Behavior of Tyler's M-Estimator of Scatter in High Dimension %U https://archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/volltextserver/20935/ %X It is shown that Tyler's (1987) M-functional of scatter, whichis a robust surrogate for the covariance matrix of a distribution on R^p ,is Fr'echet-differentiable with respect to the weak topology. This propertyis derived in an asymptotic framework, where the dimension p may tend toinfinity. If applied to the empirical distribution of n i.i.d. randomvectors with elliptically symmetric distribution, the resulting estimatorhas the same asymptotic behavior as the sample covariance matrix in anormal model, provided that p tends to infinity and p/n tends to zero. %Z This is an extended version of the paper "On Tyler's M-functional of scatter in high dimension" which has been tentatively accepted for publication in the Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics (50 (1998), pp. 471-491). The present version contains some additional results and more detailed proofs.