%0 Generic %A Dümbgen, Lutz %A Tyler, David %C Heidelberg %D 1997 %F heidok:21425 %K Breakdown; coplanar contamination; tight contamination; M-functional; scatter matrix; symmetrization %R 10.11588/heidok.00021425 %T On the Breakdown Properties of Two M-Functionals of Scatter %U https://archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/volltextserver/21425/ %X The breakdown properties of two M-functionals of scatter are treated. The first functional is Tyler's (1987) M-functional for distributions onq-dimensional space, centered at zero. The second functional is Tyler's M-functional applied to symmetrized distributions. While deriving explicitformulas for the breakdown points, we also investigate the causes of breakdownin detail.