<> "The repository administrator has not yet configured an RDF license."^^ . <> . . "Impact of cosmological satellite galaxies on the dynamics of the Milky Way disc"^^ . "I present a high resolution study of the impact of realistic satellite galaxies, extracted\r\nfrom cosmological simulations of Milky Way-like haloes including 6 Aquarius and one\r\nVia Lactea II suites, on the dynamics of the Galactic disc. The initial conditions for the\r\nmulti-component Milky Way galaxy were generated, to ensure an isolated system in a\r\ndynamical equilibrium state. After analysing the statistical properties of the subhaloes,\r\ncandidates likely to impact the disc with the initial mass,tidal mass > 10^8 solar mass, were identified,\r\ninserted into our high resolution N-body simulations and evolved for 2 Gyr. I quantified\r\nthe vertical heating due to such impacts by measuring the disc thickness and squared\r\nvertical velocity dispersion across the disc.\r\nAccording to our analysis, the strength of the heating is strongly dependent on\r\nthe high mass end of the subhalo distribution from cosmological simulations. The mean\r\nincrease of the vertical dispersion is approximately 20 km^2/s^2/Gyr for R > 4 kpc with a flat radial\r\nprofile. Excluding Aq-F2 results with a very massive perturber with tidal mass = 6.10^10 solar mass, the\r\nmean heating is less than 12 km^^2/s^2/Gyr. These heating values correspond to 28%\r\nand 17% of the observed vertical heating rate in the solar neighbourhood, respectively.\r\nTaking into account the statistical dispersion around the mean, we miss the observed\r\nheating rate by more than 3 sigma. I observed a general flaring of the disc height in the case\r\nof all 7 simulations in the outer parts.\r\nThe dynamics of the disc in the presence of satellites was also studied in the final\r\ntwo chapters where the selected runs were extended to 4 Gyr. The infall of satellites\r\ncan be responsible for delaying/advancing the bar-formation, depending on the crossing\r\nepoch. The passage influences the bar-formation, if the passage occurs between the end\r\nof the shot noise regime T1 (0.75 Gyr) and before the exponential growth T2. The\r\nAq-F2 run with the most massive candidate, induces localised vertical heating in the\r\nouter disc with R > 15 kpc.\r\nI also observed signatures of radial oscillatory behaviour in the outer disc plane,\r\nwith features similar to that of the Monoceros ring. Disc warping is prominent after\r\n3 Gyr of evolution, reaching median z coordinate of approximately 4 kpc. The asymmetric m = 1 mode is dominant\r\nfor R > 15 kpc in the form of vertical motion, with the m = 2 mode influencing the\r\nrotation of disc particles."^^ . "2016" . . . . . . . "Reza"^^ . "Moetazedian"^^ . "Reza Moetazedian"^^ . . . . . . "Impact of cosmological satellite galaxies on the dynamics of the Milky Way disc (PDF)"^^ . . . "moetazedian_thesis.pdf"^^ . . . "Impact of cosmological satellite galaxies on the dynamics of the Milky Way disc (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "indexcodes.txt"^^ . . . "Impact of cosmological satellite galaxies on the dynamics of the Milky Way disc (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "lightbox.jpg"^^ . . . "Impact of cosmological satellite galaxies on the dynamics of the Milky Way disc (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "preview.jpg"^^ . . . "Impact of cosmological satellite galaxies on the dynamics of the Milky Way disc (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "medium.jpg"^^ . . . "Impact of cosmological satellite galaxies on the dynamics of the Milky Way disc (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "small.jpg"^^ . . "HTML Summary of #22278 \n\nImpact of cosmological satellite galaxies on the dynamics of the Milky Way disc\n\n" . "text/html" . . . "520 Astronomie"@de . "520 Astronomy and allied sciences"@en . .