%0 Generic %A Cavalcanti Malta, Pedro %D 2017 %F heidok:23260 %K physics beyond the Standard Model; low-energy phenomenology; spin-dependent potentials; axion-like particles; Lorentz-symmetry violation %R 10.11588/heidok.00023260 %T Spin-dependent potentials, axion-like particles and Lorentz-symmetry violation: beyond the Standard Model phenomenology at the low-energy frontier of physics %U https://archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/volltextserver/23260/ %X It is well known that the Standard Model is not complete and many of the theories that seek to extend it predict new phenomena that may be accessible in low-energy settings. This thesis deals with some of these, namely, novel spin-dependent interparticle potentials, axion-like particles and Lorentz-symmetry violation. In Part I we discuss the spin-dependent potentials that arise due to the exchange of a topologically massive mediator, and also pursue a comparative study between spin-1/2 and spin-1 sources. In Part II we treat massive axion-like particles that may be copiously produced in core-collapse supernovae, thus leading to a non-standard flux of gamma rays. Using SN 1987A and the fact that after its observation no extra gamma-ray signal was detected, we are able to set robust limits on the parameter space of axion-like particles with masses in the 10 keV - 100MeV range. Finally, in Part III we investigate the effects of Lorentz-breaking backgrounds in QED. We discuss two scenarios: a modification in the Maxwell sector via the Carroll-Field-Jackiw term and a new non-minimal coupling between electrons and photons. We are able to set upper limits on the coefficients of the backgrounds by using laboratory-based measurements.