eprintid: 23283 rev_number: 11 eprint_status: archive userid: 1589 dir: disk0/00/02/32/83 datestamp: 2017-08-03 09:20:36 lastmod: 2024-03-13 08:11:20 status_changed: 2017-08-03 09:20:36 type: article metadata_visibility: show creators_name: Holzinger, Emily R. creators_name: Verma, Shefali S. creators_name: Moore, Carrie B. creators_name: Hall, Molly creators_name: De, Rishika creators_name: Gilbert-Diamond, Diane creators_name: Lanktree, Matthew B. creators_name: Pankratz, Nathan creators_name: Amuzu, Antoinette creators_name: Burt, Amber creators_name: Dale, Caroline creators_name: Dudek, Scott creators_name: Furlong, Clement E. creators_name: Gaunt, Tom R. creators_name: Kim, Daniel S. creators_name: Riess, Helene creators_name: Sivapalaratnam, Suthesh creators_name: Tragante, Vinicius creators_name: van Iperen, Erik P. A. creators_name: Brautbar, Ariel creators_name: Carrell, David S. creators_name: Crosslin, David R. creators_name: Jarvik, Gail P. creators_name: Kuivaniemi, Helena creators_name: Kullo, Iftikhar J. creators_name: Larson, Eric B. creators_name: Rasmussen-Torvik, Laura J. creators_name: Tromp, Gerard creators_name: Baumert, Jens creators_name: Cruickshanks, Karen J. creators_name: Farrall, Martin creators_name: Hingorani, Aroon D. creators_name: Hovingh, G. K. creators_name: Kleber, Marcus E. creators_name: Klein, Barbara E. creators_name: Klein, Ronald creators_name: Koenig, Wolfgang creators_name: Lange, Leslie A. creators_name: Mӓrz, Winfried creators_name: North, Kari E. creators_name: Onland-Moret, N. Charlotte creators_name: Reiner, Alex P. creators_name: Talmud, Philippa J. creators_name: van der Schouw, Yvonne T. creators_name: Wilson, James G. creators_name: Kivimaki, Mika creators_name: Kumari, Meena creators_name: Moore, Jason H. creators_name: Drenos, Fotios creators_name: Asselbergs, Folkert W. creators_name: Keating, Brendan J. creators_name: Ritchie, Marylyn D. title: Discovery and replication of SNP-SNP interactions for quantitative lipid traits in over 60,000 individuals subjects: ddc-570 divisions: i-62600 abstract: Background: The genetic etiology of human lipid quantitative traits is not fully elucidated, and interactions between variants may play a role. We performed a gene-centric interaction study for four different lipid traits: low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), total cholesterol (TC), and triglycerides (TG). Results: Our analysis consisted of a discovery phase using a merged dataset of five different cohorts (n = 12,853 to n = 16,849 depending on lipid phenotype) and a replication phase with ten independent cohorts totaling up to 36,938 additional samples. Filters are often applied before interaction testing to correct for the burden of testing all pairwise interactions. We used two different filters: 1. A filter that tested only single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) with a main effect of p < 0.001 in a previous association study. 2. A filter that only tested interactions identified by Biofilter 2.0. Pairwise models that reached an interaction significance level of p < 0.001 in the discovery dataset were tested for replication. We identified thirteen SNP-SNP models that were significant in more than one replication cohort after accounting for multiple testing. Conclusions: These results may reveal novel insights into the genetic etiology of lipid levels. Furthermore, we developed a pipeline to perform a computationally efficient interaction analysis with multi-cohort replication. date: 2017 publisher: BioMed Central id_scheme: DOI ppn_swb: 1655666533 own_urn: urn:nbn:de:bsz:16-heidok-232839 language: eng bibsort: HOLZINGEREDISCOVERYA2017 full_text_status: public publication: BioData Mining volume: 10 number: 25 place_of_pub: London pagerange: 1-20 issn: 1756-0381 citation: Holzinger, Emily R. ; Verma, Shefali S. ; Moore, Carrie B. ; Hall, Molly ; De, Rishika ; Gilbert-Diamond, Diane ; Lanktree, Matthew B. ; Pankratz, Nathan ; Amuzu, Antoinette ; Burt, Amber ; Dale, Caroline ; Dudek, Scott ; Furlong, Clement E. ; Gaunt, Tom R. ; Kim, Daniel S. ; Riess, Helene ; Sivapalaratnam, Suthesh ; Tragante, Vinicius ; van Iperen, Erik P. A. ; Brautbar, Ariel ; Carrell, David S. ; Crosslin, David R. ; Jarvik, Gail P. ; Kuivaniemi, Helena ; Kullo, Iftikhar J. ; Larson, Eric B. ; Rasmussen-Torvik, Laura J. ; Tromp, Gerard ; Baumert, Jens ; Cruickshanks, Karen J. ; Farrall, Martin ; Hingorani, Aroon D. ; Hovingh, G. K. ; Kleber, Marcus E. ; Klein, Barbara E. ; Klein, Ronald ; Koenig, Wolfgang ; Lange, Leslie A. ; Mӓrz, Winfried ; North, Kari E. ; Onland-Moret, N. Charlotte ; Reiner, Alex P. ; Talmud, Philippa J. ; van der Schouw, Yvonne T. ; Wilson, James G. ; Kivimaki, Mika ; Kumari, Meena ; Moore, Jason H. ; Drenos, Fotios ; Asselbergs, Folkert W. ; Keating, Brendan J. ; Ritchie, Marylyn D. (2017) Discovery and replication of SNP-SNP interactions for quantitative lipid traits in over 60,000 individuals. BioData Mining, 10 (25). pp. 1-20. ISSN 1756-0381 document_url: https://archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/volltextserver/23283/1/13040_2017_Article_145.pdf