%0 Generic %A Soldat, Jan %D 2018 %F heidok:24041 %R 10.11588/heidok.00024041 %T Characterization, Operation and Wafer-level Testing of an ultra-fast 4k Pixel Readout ASIC for the DSSC X-ray Detector at the European XFEL %U https://archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/volltextserver/24041/ %X The DEPFET sensor with signal compression (DSSC) project develops amegapixel X-ray camera dedicated for ultra-fast imaging at 4.5MHz frame rate at the European X-ray free electron laser facility in Hamburg. Further requirements are single photon resolution for so X-rays and a high dynamic range. The system concept includes a hybrid pixel detector, utilizing a non-linear DEPFET sensor. A dedicated readout ASIC allows full parallel readout of a 64 x 64 sensor pixel matrix by in-pixel filtering, immediate analog-to-digital conversion and storage. This thesis presents the ASIC working principle, architecture and the design of a test environment as well as test results of the electronics. Possible improvements of the circuits are highlighted. Measurements on sensor and ASIC assemblies are shown verifying the low noise and high dynamic range properties. The implementation of large scale tests for Known Good Die selection is reported. An introduction to free electron lasers and photon detection principles is included to put the DSSC system into the scientific context.