TY - GEN UR - https://archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/volltextserver/25120/ Y1 - 2018/// ID - heidok25120 AV - public TI - Phase structure and dynamics of driven-dissipative Rydberg spin systems N2 - This thesis presents several experiments investigating the regimes of behaviour of a proto-typical open quantum many-body system far away from equilibrium. The experimental platform is based on ultracold atoms laser-excited to Rydberg states, which we engineer to emulate a strongly interacting, driven-dissipative quantum spin system. The high degree of control over the relevant microscopic processes and their parameters, as well as the ability to widely tune interaction and driving strengths provides the means to address fundamental questions on how di?erent regimes of dynamical behaviour emerge in complex open quantum systems and how they can be characterised. In the ?rst part, we discuss how control over the relevant properties of Rydberg spin systems, like temperature, density, long evolution times, strong interactions, tunable driving, and dissipation can be achieved. We introduce the new experimental apparatus developed during this thesis, which combines both single-photon and two-photon Rydberg excitation schemes with high atom densities and long excitation times using an optical dipole trap. Additionally, we investigate theoretically how long coherence times exceeding motional timescales combined with strong many-body interactions can be achieved in such a system. We identify an optimal parameter regime for two-photon excitation where such conditions can be generated with coherence times and interaction strengths comparable to what is achievable for single-photon excitation. In the second part we explore the macroscopic non-equilibrium behaviour of our system and devise suitable observables for characterising di?erent regimes of behaviour. We discover that the slow atom loss inherent to our system provides a convenient observable for the many-body state of the system. Focussing on evolution times where the e?ect of the atom loss on the evolution is small, we discover that the rate of atom loss exhibits powerlaw scaling with the driving strength over several orders of magnitude. The measured scaling exponents reveal the non-equilibrium phase structure of the many-body system and allow us to distinguish dissipation-dominated, paramagnetic and critical regimes, as well as an instability. In the observed critical regime, collectively enhanced driving dominates over dissipation, leading to scaling associated to the critical point of the non-dissipative equilibrium Rydberg spin system. Based on the known microscopic processes of our system, we perform classical many-body rate equation simulations, which agree well with the observed phase structure as well as the position and associated scaling exponents of the individual regimes. These ?ndings open up new means to study and classify out of equilibrium systems based on slow particle loss and powerlaw scaling. In the last part of this thesis we reveal a second type of criticality in our system, which is genuinely non-equilibrium in character and arises from an absorbing state phase transition. The critical state of this phase transition dominates the system evolution at late times where particle loss is no longer negligible. We identify self-organisation as the mechanism driving the system to this critical state, which we observe through powerlaw scaling of the non-equilibrium steady-state. These experiments establish Rydberg atoms as a well controlled platform for implementing and exploring models of absorbing state phase transitions and self-organised criticality with unprecedented access to the underlying microscopic properties of the system. A1 - Helmrich, Stephan ER -