%0 Generic %A Antel, Claire %D 2019 %F heidok:26152 %R 10.11588/heidok.00026152 %T Enhancing low mass dark matter mediator resonance searches with improved triggering in the ATLAS detector %U https://archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/volltextserver/26152/ %X Dark matter comprises a significant component of our universe, but its particle nature has evaded particle detectors thus far. Dark matter may be produced in proton collisions at the Large Hadron Collider through the production of a mediator that couples the Standard Model to the dark sector. With no hint of new particles in the most accessible mass range, new search strategies aim to access the challenging phase space that lies at low masses, where current trigger bandwidth limitations have strongly constrained the sensitivity owing to the many low energy interactions that occur within proton collisions. One particular search strategy is the Trigger-object Level Analysis, which circumvents bandwidth limitations by recording only objects reconstructed from partial event information at trigger-level and is therefore intimately linked to the capabilities of the trigger system. The body of work herein encompasses various improvements of the triggering capabilities of the ATLAS detector in order to retain and enhance the sensitivity to new physics. A new bunch-crossing identification algorithm is commissioned for highly saturated pulses, extending the triggerable energy range of the first-level trigger to the new high energies of the LHC Run 2. The algorithm is successfully commissioned and permanently activated for Run 2 data taking. The capability of the high-level jet trigger is expanded in order to utilise trigger-level track reconstruction from the input of a new trigger upgrade. It is demonstrated how this will improve the sensitivity to low mass dark matter resonances in the Trigger-object Level Analysis in future data taking runs of the LHC.