eprintid: 26851 rev_number: 11 eprint_status: archive userid: 4359 dir: disk0/00/02/68/51 datestamp: 2019-07-26 15:58:23 lastmod: 2019-07-26 15:58:46 status_changed: 2019-07-26 15:58:23 type: conferenceObject metadata_visibility: show creators_name: Baumann, Martin creators_name: Mattes, Oliver creators_name: Richling, Sabine creators_name: Siebler, Sven creators_name: Balz, Alexander title: SDS@hd – Scientific Data Storage subjects: ddc-004 subjects: ddc-020 divisions: i-704000 pres_type: poster abstract: SDS@hd (Scientific Data Storage) is a central storage service for hot large-scale scientific data that can be used by researchers from all universities in Baden-Württemberg. It offers fast and secure file system storage capabilities to individuals or groups, e.g. in the context of cooperative projects. Fast access is possible from data generating facilities like microscopes as well as from data analysis systems llke HPC systems. User authentication and authorization are implemented in terms of the federated identity management in Baden-Württemberg allowing researchers to use their existing ID of their home institution transparently for this service. Data protection requirements can be fulfilled by data encryption and secure data transfer protocols. The service is operated by the computing center of Heidelberg University. date: 2019 id_scheme: DOI id_number: 10.11588/heidok.00026851 collection: c-51 ppn_swb: 1666709697 own_urn: urn:nbn:de:bsz:16-heidok-268515 language: ger bibsort: BAUMANNMARSDSHDSCIEN2019 full_text_status: public place_of_pub: Heidelberg pages: 1 event_title: E-Science-Tage 2019: Data to Knowledge event_location: Heidelberg event_dates: 27.03. - 29.03.2019 citation: Baumann, Martin ; Mattes, Oliver ; Richling, Sabine ; Siebler, Sven ; Balz, Alexander (2019) SDS@hd – Scientific Data Storage. [Conference Item] document_url: https://archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/volltextserver/26851/3/26851_escience2019_SDS%40hd.pdf