%0 Generic %A Velte, Clemens %C Heidelberg %D 2020 %F heidok:27340 %R 10.11588/heidok.00027340 %T Measurement of a high energy resolution and high statistics 163Ho electron capture spectrum for the ECHo experiment %U https://archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/volltextserver/27340/ %X The goal of the ECHo collaboration is to reach a sub-eV sensitivity on the effective electron neutrino mass by the analysis of the high energy resolution and high statistics 163Ho electron capture spectrum measured with metallic magnetic micro calorimeters. Within this thesis several measurements have been performed for detector optimization and for a study of the spectral shape of the 163Ho . In a first measurement the heat capacity of Ho-ions implanted in gold absorbers was measured. It was found that an implanted activity per pixel of a = 10 Bq does not compromise in a noticeable way the performance of the detector at T = 20 mK. To test the performance of MMC detectors shielded by rock and to check this option of operation for future ECHo phases, an experiment was performed in an underground lab. This measurement allowed for the first time a detailed investigation of the 163Ho spectral shape. Furthermore, was a first high statistic 163Ho spectrum acquired. The analysis allows for a determination of the Q-value of the 163Ho EC with Q = 2.837 +- 0.005 (stat) +- 0.005 (syst) keV and to perform a first analysis of the end point region of the spectrum to extract an effective electron neutrino mass.