%0 Generic %A Dávid, Christian %C Heidelberg %D 2020 %F heidok:28229 %K MoCo DWI %R 10.11588/heidok.00028229 %T Motion Compensation for Free-Breathing Abdominal Diffusion-Weighted Imaging (MoCo DWI) %U https://archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/volltextserver/28229/ %X Diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) is a common technique in medical diagnostics. One challenge of thoracic and abdominal DWI is respiratory motion which can result in motion artifacts. To eliminate these artifacts, a new kind of retrospective, respiratory motion compensation for DWI was developed and tested. This new technique — MoCo DWI — is the first in DWI which provides fully-deformable motion compensation. To enable this, despite the low image quality of DWI, two free-breathing sequences were used: (1) a gradient echo sequence (GRE) with a configuration for optimal respiratory motion estimation and (2) a DWI in a configuration of clinical interest. The DWI acquisition was gated into 10 motion phases. Each motion phase was then co-aligned with the motion estimation. The implementation was tested with eleven volunteers. The results showed that MoCo DWI can reduce motion blurring in single b-value images, especially at the liver-lung interface. The improvement of ADC-maps was even more prominent. Individual slices showed motion induced artifacts which could be reduced or even eliminated by MoCo DWI. This was also reflected by expected more homogeneous ADC values in the liver in all data sets. These results promise to reduce measurements with limited diagnostic value while keeping or increasing patient comfort.