%0 Generic %A Zache, Torsten Victor %C Heidelberg %D 2020 %F heidok:28536 %R 10.11588/heidok.00028536 %T Quantum simulation of high-energy physics with ultracold atoms %U https://archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/volltextserver/28536/ %X Predicting the quantum dynamics of charged matter interacting with dynamical gauge fields poses an outstanding challenge in theoretical physics. Lacking a generally applicable computational method, quantum simulators offer a promising alternative. In this thesis, we contribute to the quantum simulation of high-energy physics, focusing on the platform of ultracold atoms. Using Wilson fermions, we propose to improve implementations of lattice gauge theories based on mixtures of cold atoms in optical lattices. Numerical benchmarks indicate that this makes the realization of Schwinger pair production feasible with current technology. Our proposal is modular and an elementary building is demonstrated experimentally. We further identify dynamical topological transitions, which we discovered in the massive Schwinger model, as a suitable target for quantum simulators. Defining a gauge-invariant order parameter, these transitions are shown to persist beyond weak coupling. In the second part of this thesis, we develop a framework for analyzing quantum simulators in terms of experimentally accessible irreducible correlation functions at equal times. We verify this approach numerically for the sine-Gordon model in thermal equilibrium, quantum simulated by two tunnel-coupled superfluids. Finally, we apply our analysis to the non-equilibrium dynamics of a spinor Bose gas, revealing suppressed effective interactions in a strongly-correlated infrared regime.