%0 Generic %A Kleen, Onno %C Heidelberg %D 2020 %F heidok:28723 %K Economic forecasting, forecast evaluation, volatility, portfolio analysis, GARCH-MIDAS, low-volatility anomaly %R 10.11588/heidok.00028723 %T Three Essays on Volatility Forecasting and Forecast Evaluation %U https://archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/volltextserver/28723/ %X The three main chapters of this dissertation are self-contained research articles that can be read independently from each other. They all focus on forecasting with financial and macroeconomic data. The analyses in Chapter 1 and 2 are joint works with Christian Conrad. Both focus on forecasting volatility for financial markets. In Chapter 1, we address aggregate stock market volatility and in Chapter 2 stock-specific volatility for investment decisions. Chapter 3 is single-authored and, in contrast to the other two chapters, focuses on the evaluation of distribution forecasts.