<> "The repository administrator has not yet configured an RDF license."^^ . <> . . "Kinematically complete multiphoton ionization studies on optically trapped 6Li and 6Li_2 created by single-color photoassociation"^^ . "In this work, a reaction microscope with a magneto-optical trap for 6Li atoms, was extended by an optical dipole trap in order to be able to investigate in detail laser-induced atomic and molecular ionization dynamics in a cold quantum gas.\r\nThe optical dipole trap was operated at a full trap depth of 2.3 mK for 6Li atoms and about\r\n1% of the atoms in the MOT could be transferred into the dipole trap, with 1/e storage times\r\nexceeding 5 s. The optically trapped ensemble of 6Li atoms was used as a target for ionisation with intensive and broadband femtosecond laser pulses (λ = 750−820 nm, P = 10^11−10^14 W/cm2, Δt = 30 fs) and allowed to perform kinematically complete experiments, in which 6Li+ ions\r\nas well as photoelectrons were measured coincidentically.\r\nAs a first application, in this work, a series of association- and ionization mechanisms, which\r\nled to production of molecular 6Li2+ ions, were investigated with trapped lithium atoms.\r\nIn photoassociative ionization, two atoms collide, which were previously lifted into the asymptotic 2p − 3s potential energy curve by ladder excitation. During the collision the atoms autoionize into the 12Σg+(6Li2+) groundstate of the molecular ion, since these two potential energy curves exhibit an avoided crossing. This process was observed when magneto-optically trapped atoms were illuminated with the femtosecond laser.\r\nIn the dipole trap, using single-color photoassociation, excited state molecules were produced\r\nin high-lying vibrational states 11Σg+(ν = 65) and 13Σg+(v = 57) and spectroscopically investigated. A fraction of the excited state molecules decay via fluorescence into the molecular ground state. The 11Σg+(ν = 38)(6Li2) ground state molecules created via the singlet res-\r\nonance 11Σu+(ν = 65)(Li∗2) were detected via direct 3 photon ionisation. The momentum spectra show very low kinetic energies for the photo electrons of below 100 meV. Therefore\r\nin the molecular ion only vibrational states of Li2+ are getting populated, which are directly below the 3-photon transition energy.\r\nFinally, a stepwise ionization mechanism was identified, which leads into the continuum via\r\nan intermediate molecular state of 6Li2∗ after photoassociation. The starting point is a pho-\r\ntoassociated excited state molecule 11Σu+(ν = 65)(6Li∗2), which absorbs two photons of the dipole trap laser (λ = 1070 nm ± 2 nm). This happens via an intermediate molecular state\r\n31Σg+(2s + 3s), after which it leads into the 12Σg+(6Li2+) potential."^^ . "2021" . . . . . . . "Niels"^^ . "Kurz"^^ . "Niels Kurz"^^ . . . . . . "Kinematically complete multiphoton ionization studies on optically trapped 6Li and 6Li_2 created by single-color photoassociation (PDF)"^^ . . . "Dissertation_Niels_Kurz.pdf"^^ . . . "Kinematically complete multiphoton ionization studies on optically trapped 6Li and 6Li_2 created by single-color photoassociation (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "indexcodes.txt"^^ . . . "Kinematically complete multiphoton ionization studies on optically trapped 6Li and 6Li_2 created by single-color photoassociation (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "lightbox.jpg"^^ . . . "Kinematically complete multiphoton ionization studies on optically trapped 6Li and 6Li_2 created by single-color photoassociation (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "preview.jpg"^^ . . . "Kinematically complete multiphoton ionization studies on optically trapped 6Li and 6Li_2 created by single-color photoassociation (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "medium.jpg"^^ . . . "Kinematically complete multiphoton ionization studies on optically trapped 6Li and 6Li_2 created by single-color photoassociation (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "small.jpg"^^ . . "HTML Summary of #29072 \n\nKinematically complete multiphoton ionization studies on optically trapped 6Li and 6Li_2 created by single-color photoassociation\n\n" . "text/html" . . . "530 Physik"@de . "530 Physics"@en . .