%0 Generic %A Budjan, Angelika J. %C Heidelberg %D 2022 %F heidok:31897 %K foreign aid, Official Development Assistance, aid donorship, aid institutions, new donors, democracy, electrification, migration, agricultural production, unconditional cash transfers, trust attitudes, risk aversion, impact evaluation, violent conflict %R 10.11588/heidok.00031897 %T Financing for Sustainable Development: Emerging Issues and Actors %U https://archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/volltextserver/31897/ %X While development finance emerged in the 1950s under a relatively simple narrative of Western industrialized countries aiding the development of the Global South, it has undergone many changes since - both geopolitically and conceptually. The motivation for this thesis is to analyze which changes development finance is currently undergoing and how this affects the way the global community has to approach the financing of sustainable development. In particular, this thesis focuses on three important changes that have added complexity to development finance under the SDGs. These are: Diversity of the donor landscape Multitude of the policy objectives Riskiness of the operating environment While this list is by no means exclusive, it offers insight on how donors and recipients of today's development finance have to deal with changes at multiple levels simultaneously.