%0 Generic %A Landert, Daniela %C Berlin ; Boston %D 2017 %E Hoffmann, Christian R. %E Bublitz, Wolfram %F heidok:31991 %I De Gruyter Mouton %K Social media, interaction, interactivity, language of immediacy, public/private %P 31-60 %R 10.11588/heidok.00031991 %T Participation as user involvement %U https://archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/volltextserver/31991/ %V 11 %X The aim of this chapter is to explore the potential of social media for user participation from different perspectives. This includes technical factors that determine how much participation is possible on a given platform as well as the degree and forms of participation that can actually be observed. The chapter also addresses the relation between user involvement that results from interaction and other involvement strategies that can be found on social media, such as the presence of personal content and language of immediacy. It concludes with a case study that illustrates how different involvement strategies are combined in political communication on a social networking site.