%0 Generic %A Smirnova-Pinchukova, Irina %C Heidelberg %D 2022 %F heidok:32059 %R 10.11588/heidok.00032059 %T Comparison of Different Star Formation Tracers in Nearby AGN Host Galaxies %U https://archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/volltextserver/32059/ %X This work is a part of the Close AGN Reference Survey (CARS, cars-survey.org) that is intended to provide the most detailed view of the AGN - host galaxy connection and establish a reference for high-redshifts. The survey consists of 40 nearby Seyfert 1 galaxies with optical integral field unit datacubes and a multi-wavelength observational dataset. The first part of the thesis presents the star-formation-related analysis of the CARS first data release. The panchromatic spectral energy distribution is modeled with additional AGN constraints to infer stellar masses and infrared star formation rates. I also present the novel method of calculating the recent star formation rate from the Hα emission in the conditions of AGN contamination using spectral and spatial datacube information. Then I compare the resulting infrared and Hα star formation rates with CO(1-0) data to analyze the star formation history and the trends between AGN and host galaxies. The second part of the thesis explores the data from SOFIA airborne observatory. The [CII] far-infrared line is a bright coolant in the interstellar medium accessible with ALMA and often used as a star formation rate indicator. The discovery of one of the few known [CII] excess galaxies HE1353-1917 is introduced together with the discussion of its mechanisms and the meaning for the high-redshift objects. This is complemented by the follow-up SOFIA observations of HE0412-0803 that allowed to confirm the proposed [CII] excess mechanism and intrigued us with its puzzling VLA radio continuum data. Overall, in this thesis, I accurately infer, analyze, and compare star formation rate tracers for the CARS objects emphasizing the power of the multi-wavelength approach.