TY - GEN AV - public TI - Analytic cohomology of families of L-analytic Lubin-Tate (?_L,?_L)-modules N2 - In this thesis we prove finiteness and base change properties for analytic cohomology of families of L-analytic (?_L, ?_L)-modules parametrised by affinoid algebras. To this end, we study an analogue of the Herr complex, which can be defined using p-adic Fourier theory. For technical reasons we work over a field containing the finite ex- tension L of Q_p and a certain transcendental period. In case the affinoid algebra is the base field, we prove that coadmissibility of the Iwa- sawa cohomology groups is sufficient for the existence of a comparison isomorphism between the Iwasawa cohomology of a (?_L, ?_L )-module over the Robba ring and the analytic cohomology of its Lubin-Tate deformation, which, roughly speaking, is ob- tained by base change to the algebra of L-analytic distributions on an open subgroup of ?_L . In the trianguline case we show that the complex computing Iwasawa cohomology is perfect and in particular satisfies the above condition. Finally we describe how general perfectness results for Iwasawa cohomology can be achieved assuming conjecturally that the statement can be proved in the étale case. A1 - Steingart, Rustam CY - Heidelberg UR - https://archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/volltextserver/32192/ Y1 - 2022/// ID - heidok32192 ER -