%0 Generic %A De Gregorio, Chiara %C Heidelberg %D 2024 %F heidok:34718 %K Ayia Triada; Messara; Prepalatial; Protopalatial %R 10.11588/heidok.00034718 %T The Ayia Triada Necropolis in the EM III-MM I and the Connections with Neighbouring Areas %U https://archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/volltextserver/34718/ %X This research project delves into the exploration and publication of archaeological discoveries unearthed within the Camerette area of the Late Prepalatial and Early Protopalatial necropolis in Ayia Triada (2300/2200 to 1925/1900 BC, the Early Minoan III to Middle Minoan I). This necropolis characterized by the remains of tholos A, a circular tomb accompanied by annexes, alongside the so-called Camerette, a series of interconnected chambers with debated function. Through the typological and comparative analysis of pottery, I aimed to elucidate the activities conducted within the necropolis, particularly in relation to ritualistic practices, and to delineate the socio-cultural interactions between Ayia Triada and its surrounding environs. Furthermore, the examination seeks to ascertain the socio-economic fabric of the community associated with this necropolis, positing it as a focal point for communal gatherings and the cultivation of group identity. To achieve these objectives, the findings are contextualized within the broader Cretan archaeological landscape, facilitating a comprehensive historical synthesis that elucidates the significance of Ayia Triada within the wider Minoan archaeology.