eprintid: 4591 rev_number: 5 eprint_status: archive userid: 1 dir: disk0/00/00/45/91 datestamp: 2004-04-27 14:30:04 lastmod: 2010-12-10 10:47:48 status_changed: 2012-08-14 15:11:40 type: HD.PhdThesisAb metadata_visibility: show creators_name: Beckmann, Lars title: New haplotype sharing and haplotype assignment methods for mapping genes of complex diseases ispublished: pub subjects: ddc-610 divisions: i-51001 adv_faculty: af-05 keywords: Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (DKFZ) abstract_translated_lang: ger date: 2004 date_type: published ppn_swb: - date_accepted: 2004-04-02 advisor: HASH(0x55de57b7ee78) language: eng bibsort: BECKMANNLANEWHAPLOTY2004 full_text_status: public citation: Beckmann, Lars (2004) New haplotype sharing and haplotype assignment methods for mapping genes of complex diseases. [Abstract of a medical dissertation] document_url: https://archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/volltextserver/4591/1/summary.pdf