%0 Generic %A Stute, Matthias %D 2004 %F heidok:4988 %R 10.11588/heidok.00004988 %T Formation and Propagation of Jets in Symbiotic Stars %U https://archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/volltextserver/4988/ %X Although jets are ubiquitous phenomena in many different astrophysical objects, their formation is relatively unclear. The necessary components seem to be well known and identical in all objects. A more careful investigation of one certain class of objects should promise new insights also for the mechanisms in the other classes. From the observational point of view, one needs observations with a high spatial resolution and kinematic informations from regions as near as possible to the jet source. These points make the class of symbiotic stars, interacting binaries consisting of a cool red giant (RG) and a white dwarf (WD), ideal testbeds. In the first part of this thesis the propagation of the jet in the unique system MWC 560, where the jet axis is practically parallel to the line of sight, is investigated numerically. This special orientation provides the opportunity to observe the outflowing gas as line absorption in the source spectrum. Therefore MWC 560 can be used to probe the short term evolution and the propagation of the gas outflow in jets from WD. We present model results concerning the structure and emission of the jets and theoretical absorption line profile which are compared with observations of MWC 560. In the second part, we focus on the formation and collimation process of jets from WD. We mainly investigate the effect of a solid surface of the central, accreting object and of the creation of a boundary layer around it.