%0 Generic %A Hoffmanns, Ulrich %D 2005 %F heidok:5359 %K Sonogashira , Transport , ElectrochemieNeuropeptide , Peptide , Enkephalin , Metallocenes , Ferrocene , Cobaltocenium , Labelling , Sonogashira , Blood-Brain-Barrier , Lipophilicity %R 10.11588/heidok.00005359 %T Selective Labelling of Peptides with Organometallic Compounds - Chemical and Biological Characterization %U https://archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/volltextserver/5359/ %X The modification of peptides and proteins with transition metal compounds is a growing field of interest, since it provides biologically active substances with unique spectro-scopic properties, serving as valuable tools in diagnosis and therapy. In this work, new methods for the introduction of organometallic compounds into peptides have been pre-sented, using the pentapeptide [Leu5]-Enkephalin as a model target molecule, while ferrocene and cobaltocenium compounds served as metal markers. Preparation of enkephalin and the subsequent labelling with ferrocene- and cobaltoce-nium carboxylic acids were carried out using solid phase peptide synthesis (SPPS). These synthetic pathways comprised the introduction of the metal marker to the N-terminus, as well as to the side-chain of a 4-amino modified phenylalanine residue, yielding mono- and di-labelled species. The different properties of the metal compounds used demanded the combination of diverse linkers, resins and protecting groups. In the second synthetic part of this work, the binding of the metal fragment by the use of Sonogashira coupling, a Pd catalyzed cross coupling reaction, was evaluated. As a proof of concept, dipeptides containing a 4-iodo-phenylalanine were synthesized and different alkynylated ferrocene derivatives were successfully coupled. An enkephalin derivative was synthesized next where the natural phenylalanine was substituted by the 4-iodo-phenylalanine residue, to which the ferrocene-alkyne could be successfully coupled. To study the influence of the metal marker on the physiological properties of the target enkephalin molecule, the lipophilicity was determined for a selection of enkephalin compounds using a modern RP-HPLC method. In addition, the blood-brain-barrier permeation behaviour of selected compounds was tested. These transport experiments were conducted by means of porcine brain capillary endothelial cell (PBCEC) monolay-ers. It was found that the more lipophilic compounds showed higher permeation, as ex-pected for a passive diffusion mechanism.